Petition: SP(I) Demands that the Recommendations of the Chairman of the High Powered Committee on the Chardham Project be Implemented Immediately

Petition: SP(I) Demands that the Recommendations of the Chairman of the High Powered Committee on the Chardham Project be Implemented Immediately

Such a large-scale project should have required a comprehensive and rigorous environmental impact assessment (EIA), including public consultations and hearings, before being given the green light. However, the government surreptitiously side-stepped this requirement by dividing the 900 kilometre stretch of road into 53 segments, each of less than a 100 km.

Hindu-Muslim Teamwork Revives Dashed Hopes of Amity

Hindu-Muslim Teamwork Revives Dashed Hopes of Amity

Supriya Joshi, Vishal Kumar and Sandeep Pandey | What is hardly known is that in one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations of the world, despite communal politics being used extensively for mobilising voters, relief work has demonstrated that communal and divisive politics have not yet damaged the social fabric.

कश्मीर और धारा 370  पर समाजवादियों का स्टैंड

कश्मीर और धारा 370 पर समाजवादियों का स्टैंड

क़ुरबान अली | राममनोहर लोहिया सहित सोशलिस्ट पार्टी, प्रजा सोशलिस्ट पार्टी और संयुक्त सोशलिस्ट पार्टी के नेताओं ने भी कभी भी जम्मू कश्मीर से धारा 370 को हटाए जाने की वकालत नहीं की। बल्कि इनमे से अधिकांश तो जम्मू कश्मीर में जनमत संग्रह कराये जाने की मांग का समर्थन करते रहे।

शिक्षा प्रणाली से खिलवाड़ बंद करो 

शिक्षा प्रणाली से खिलवाड़ बंद करो 

पन्नालाल सुराणा | शिक्षानीति का निर्धारण मुट्ठीभर अभिजन करें यह अनुचित है। शिक्षा प्रणाली का स्वरुप बनाने का काम शिक्षा संस्थानों में काम करने वाले अध्यापकों और संचालकों को सौंपा जाना चाहिए।

Disregarding Ravi Chopra’s Recommendations on the Chardham Project Will Destroy the Already Fragile and Threatened Ecology of the Himalayan Region

Disregarding Ravi Chopra’s Recommendations on the Chardham Project Will Destroy the Already Fragile and Threatened Ecology of the Himalayan Region

Surabhi Agarwal, Lubna Sarwath and Sandeep Pandey | The manner in which members of the High Powered Committee who have their own vested interests are misusing their power to further an agenda which is completely contrary to the public interest is condemnable and undermines the authority of the Supreme Court.