The Problem of Unemployment article by Sandeep Pandey.

The Problem of Unemployment article by Sandeep Pandey.

An advertisement of Bhartiya Janata Party government in Uttar Pradesh proclaims, ‘Educated woman is our resolve, She is an alternative for golden future.’ However, an educated woman Shikha Pal is perched on top of an overhead water tank for more than hundred days at the height of about hundred feet aspiring to become a teacher […]

Mahatma Ayyankali: Trailblazer Of Dalit Emancipation

Mahatma Ayyankali: Trailblazer Of Dalit Emancipation

The caste system in India has long been considered as “the most resilient and adaptive system of inequality and oppression ever invented, the most inhuman too, even excluding sections of people from the very domain of the human, of the moral and the spiritual, of socialite, fraternity, etc.” … Ayyankali’s brilliant understanding of the oppressive […]

Right to education(RTE)

Right to education(RTE)

[SP(I)] press release on right to education in u.p रेस विज्ञप्तिदिनांकः 16 नवम्बर, 2021शिक्षा के अधिकार की धज्जियां उड़ा रही योगी सरकारइधर योगी सरकार ने दो नए फैसले लिए हैं। एक तो मुख्यमंत्री ने घोषणा की है कि यदि किसी विद्यालय या महाविद्यालय में दो बहनें पढ़ रही हों तो शैक्षणिक संस्थान दोनों में से […]