Why is New Delhi treating Jammu and Kashmir as a shut case while concurrently exploring possibilities with the Naga leadership?

Why is New Delhi treating Jammu and Kashmir as a shut case while concurrently exploring possibilities with the Naga leadership?
In this episode of Sandeep Ke Sawal, Dr Sandeep Pandey demands accountability for the poor state of Kashmir’s economy.
Socialist Party (India) will make a small contribution towards reviving grassroots democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir by supporting 6 candidates in the district development council elections.
Eitay Mack | The Israeli government is opposing a petition in the country’s Supreme Court by 40 citizens which says officers responsible for severe rights violations must not be given training by the Israeli Police.
• Ishwar Das Khajuria, J&K Forum for territorial integrity
• Dar Mohammad Shafi, Socialist Party (India) activist.
• Pushpa Achanta, Writer
Pannalal Surana | It was obvious that no voice of protest could be heard during the last one year because there was complete blackout of political activities and also severe restrictions on the media.
Anil Nauriya | Although there is widespread invocation of the “wishes of the Kashmiri people”, the fact is that the political groups which have traditionally represented political opinion in Kashmir have been systematically targetted in terrorist violence. Of these, the primary target has been the National Conference.
क़ुरबान अली | राममनोहर लोहिया सहित सोशलिस्ट पार्टी, प्रजा सोशलिस्ट पार्टी और संयुक्त सोशलिस्ट पार्टी के नेताओं ने भी कभी भी जम्मू कश्मीर से धारा 370 को हटाए जाने की वकालत नहीं की। बल्कि इनमे से अधिकांश तो जम्मू कश्मीर में जनमत संग्रह कराये जाने की मांग का समर्थन करते रहे।
Shoaib and Darapuri, former IGP were jailed two days before the demonstration. It is illegal & unjust to hold them responsible for the demonstration. I urge every party unit to send a letter to the UP Chief Minister to drop these proceedings.
Atul and Sandeep Pandey | In this article we will analyse the justifiability of the lockdown in Kashmir using the test of reasonableness and proportionality often used by the Supreme Court in determining the constitutionality of restrictions imposed on fundamental rights.