What could be the modus operandi to align social and political forces which have differences in ideology and viewpoint?

What could be the modus operandi to align social and political forces which have differences in ideology and viewpoint?
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 14 | The election commission has no power to ensure the internal democracy and transparency in financial matter of alliances; which has been ruling the country since 1989. If the written constitution is compulsory for political parties then why the same is not compulsory for alliances?
भरत गांधी वोटर्स पार्टी इण्टरनेशनल के संस्थापक हैं जो हाल ही में नागालैण्ड में पांच माह जेल में रह कर आए हैं। वोटर्स पार्टी इण्टरनेशनल लोकतंत्र के संचालन के लिए प्रत्येक नागरिक को रु. 6000 प्रति माह देने की बात करती है।
Sandeep Pandey | The purpose of writing such a sensitive letter to CM now, which managed to make it to the public domain is unclear. It is either an expression of frustration with the local multiple forces, including the elected government, realising that the situation is beyond redemption. Else, it could also be a pre-emptive attempt to abdicate responsibility, especially if some untoward incident happens.
* Sanjay Singh, MP (Rajya Sabha) | Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)
* Manoj Jha, MP | Rashtriya Janta Dal
* Pankaj Pushkar, former MLA (AAP)
* Shivakant Gorakhpuri, General Secretary, VPI (who was kidnapped last month in Nagaland)
* Ved Pratap Vaidik, senior journalist, political analyst & columnist
* Dr Tribhuvanesh Yadav (Bharat Gandhi’s brother)
* Dr Sandeep Pandey, Vice President, Socialist Party (India)
* Anand Vardhan Singh (moderator) and founding Editor, The Public (India)
भारत गांधी को किसी केन्द्रीय सुरक्षा बल की सुरक्षा में दिल्ली अथवा लखनऊ लाया जाए तभी उनका बचना सम्भव है नहीं तो वे भी अपने सहयोगियों की तरह जेल से निकलने पर अपहृत कर लिए जाएंगे।
The only way Bharat Gandhi can remain secure now is if his safe passage to Delhi or Lucknow is ensured under the security of some Central Security Forces otherwise there are good chances that he may be kidnapped for ransom just like his colleagues.
Monday, 15 June 2020, Time: 1pm to 2pm. Online at: http://www.facebook.com/socialistpartyindia
उन्हें जेल में रख कर नागालैण्ड सरकार ने उनके संवैधानिक व लोकतांत्रिक अधिकारों का हनन किया है। जब उनके दल के सहयोगी शिवाकांत गोरखपुरी व नवीन कुमार उनकी रिहाई के लिए दीमापुर पहुँचे तो जिस होटल में वे ठहरे थे वहां से 19 मई को शाम 4 बजे उनका अपहरण कर उन्हें दीमापुर से बाहर एक अतिवादी संगठन के कैम्प में लाया गया।
By putting him in jail the Nagaland government has violated his Constitutional and democratic rights. His party colleagues, Shivakant Gorakhpuri and Naveen Kumar, who went to secure his release were kidnapped from a Dimapur hotel on 19 May and taken to a camp of an insurgent group where a demand to pay Rs. 1 crore was made to them.