इटौंजा के निकट ग्राम भीखमपुर निवासी गोविन्द (लोध) राजपूत की पुलिस द्वारा प्रताड़ित किये जाने के बाद मौत

इटौंजा के निकट ग्राम भीखमपुर निवासी गोविन्द (लोध) राजपूत की पुलिस द्वारा प्रताड़ित किये जाने के बाद मौत

सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) के कार्यकर्ता अमर शिवा मिश्रा, 9140529159, के माध्यम से पता चला है की इटौंजा के निकट ग्राम भीखमपुर निवासी गोविन्द (लोध) राजपूत नमक व्यक्ति किसी आपसी विवाद में २८/६/२० को दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता की धारा १५१ के तहत थाने में निरुद्ध किया गया। अगले दिन सुबह जब उसके परिवार वाले उसे गंभीर रूप से घायल अवस्था में थाने से वापस ले गए तो कुछ ही समय बाद उसकी मौत हो गयी ।

Protest Meeting Against Serving of Notice to Adv Mohammad Shoaib

Protest Meeting Against Serving of Notice to Adv Mohammad Shoaib

Socialist Party (India) UP President Advocate Mohammad Shoaib as been served a notice for recovery of Rs. 64 lakhs towards cost of damages in Lucknow during the 19 December, 2019, nationwide anti-Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens protests. A protest against this vindictive move by the government was held at the Lucknow District Office at Old Tarkari Mandi, Chowk, Lucknow on Tuesday, 23 June, 2020.

20 Dholak Maker Families To Be Given Loans, 26 June, 5:30 PM, Socialist Party (India) District Office, Chowk

20 Dholak Maker Families To Be Given Loans, 26 June, 5:30 PM, Socialist Party (India) District Office, Chowk

Dr. Nuzhat Husain will be handing out interest free loans of Rs. 5,000 each to 20 families of Dholak makers from Dubbaga at Socialist Party (India) Office, Kalbe Abid Road, near Old Tarkari Mandi, opposite Mukhtare Halwai, Chowk on 26 June, 2020, Friday at 5:30 pm. Ajay Kumar Lallu, UP President of Congress Party is also likely to join.

Protest Meeting at SP(I) Lucknow District Office, 23 June 2020, 4-5 pm

Protest Meeting at SP(I) Lucknow District Office, 23 June 2020, 4-5 pm

Socialist Party (India) UP President Advocate Mohammad Shoaib has been served a notice for recovery of Rs 64 lakhs towards cost of damages in Lucknow during the 19 December 2019, nationwide anti-Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens protests.
We’re meeting at the Lucknow district office at Old Tarkari Mandi, opposite Mukhtare Halwai, Chowk, Lucknow on Tuesday, 23 June, 2020, from 4 to 5 PM for a protest meeting.