SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 22 | Any shuffle in USA politics sends ripples across the entire world. In this session we will try to understand the source of these ripples and the potential they hold in shaping of India and other nations.

SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 22 | Any shuffle in USA politics sends ripples across the entire world. In this session we will try to understand the source of these ripples and the potential they hold in shaping of India and other nations.
3 July 2018 Press release US pressure on Modi’s foreign policy Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s so-called aggressive foreign policy is once again ready to surrender the political sovereignty of the country to American imperialism. After breaking the nuclear treaty with Iran the American President Donald Trump has told all countries of the world that they […]
Press Statement: 02/06/2016 Justice Rajindar Sachar, Former President of People Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) has issued the following statement: On the eve of Prime Minister Visit to U.S.A he has to deal with an embarrassing human right situation at Home. Vadodara Municipal Corporation under its demolition drive had promised Muslims living in area of […]