This is an open invite, calling Individuals/Experts/Scientists/Activists/Political parties/NGOs and all, for contributions at Round table brain-storming on ‘Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad’.

This is an open invite, calling Individuals/Experts/Scientists/Activists/Political parties/NGOs and all, for contributions at Round table brain-storming on ‘Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad’.
Hearing in High Court Hyderabad in WP(PIL) 32/2020 – for encroachment-free and pollution free Moosi Nadi.
2 RTIs dated 5 November 2020 filed for information on water bodies cases are pending in High Court.
Telangana State Human Rights Commission, Hyderabad heard the petitioner for restoration of Nacharam Pedda Cheruvu where public money is being squandered with lake encroachment being increased and pollution unabated and frothing.
While, there is every possibility that areas/extent of survey numbers may have been altered, but fact is that respondents agreed existence of lake and they excavated the 6.35 meter wide channel inside the Phoenix construction site.
Joint Committee has reported the distressing situation of GHMC sewage flows highlighting the commissions and omissions of authorities.
An official clarified to the Lokayukta that none of the constructions or highrises have any permission given. Official also told that there was political influence.
On 5 November 2020 2 RTI applications were filed seeking information within 48 hours , from High Court Hyderabad regarding number of and details of cases pending on water bodies encroachment/pollution.
Submitted to SHRC, Hyderabad in hearing on 22 December 2020. Public hearing needed on all lakes of GHMC.
We had earlier through the media and through direct representations brought to your knowledge the constructions right inside the Full Reservoir level of Osman Sagar, but found the same and additional state encroachments by way of concrete iron fencing inside the full reservoir level of Gandipet (Osman Sagar), during our joint survey of 18 November 2020.