SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Dr Sandeep Pandey, Vice-President of Socialist Party (India), says that notices are being sent to protestors leading Farmers Movement to discourage them from joining the big protest on 26 January 2021.

SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Dr Sandeep Pandey, Vice-President of Socialist Party (India), says that notices are being sent to protestors leading Farmers Movement to discourage them from joining the big protest on 26 January 2021.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Discussion with Kanksshi Agarwal, NETRI Foundation and Senior Researcher, Centre For Policy Research (CPR).
Sandeep Pandey, Simran Kaur and Harleen Sandhu | The Sikh community’s support for farmers protests is not because it is a matter of economic rights, but because these laws jeopardise the dignity of living and livelihood of farmers.
Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks about the ongoing farmers’ movement.
The proceeds will go towards funding the travel of farmers to the protests.
A langar was organised at Ploytechnic Crossing, Lucknow in support of the ongoing movement.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Satyagraha session held on Friday 15th January with Dr Sandeep Pandey and others on Supreme Court role in farmers’ movement
केंद्र सरकार द्वारा लाए गए तीनों कृषि कानूनों और बिजली बिल 2020 के खिलाफ इंदौर में भी लगातार किसान संगठन और श्रम संगठन एकजुटता के साथ जन जागरूकता अभियान चला रहे हैं ।
Copies of 3 farm laws were burnt on 17 January, 2021, at Company Bagh crossing near Chandrashekhar Azad Agriculture University, Kanpur.
सरकार के पास गायों को गांवों से गौशाला तक ले जाने का भी कोई इंतजाम नहीं। लेकिन अगर कोई गायों को गौशाला ले जाना चाहे तो हिन्दुत्ववादी गौ रक्षक तांडव करते हैं।