एन.ए.पी.एम – उत्तर प्रदेश ऑन-लाइन सभा – हम तो बोलेंगे: अन्याय और दमन के खिलाफ़ प्रतिरोध की आवाज़ें. 8 नवंबर, 2020 | दोपहर 3 से 6 बजे
Press Conference on Arrest of Activist Faisal Khan
Addressed by Medha Patkar, Prof Vipin Kumar Tripathi, Acharya Yugal Kishore Sharan Shastri, Father Anand, Swami ji from Matri Sadan Ashram, Sunita Vishwanath, Deepak Gupta, Dr Sandeep Pandey.
Where are the People’s Issues in Bihar elections?
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 20 | In this session we will try to answer questions pertinent to the current social and political situation of Bihar. Questions about the issues being raised in the Bihar elections and whether they represent the people’s aspirations?
Discussion on Transparency of Political Alliances with Bharat Gandhi (Part 2)
What could be the modus operandi to align social and political forces which have differences in ideology and viewpoint?
Hyderabad Floods: Understanding the Root Cause
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 19 | The recent floods in Hyderabad led to the loss of 81 lives and Rs 9000 crores of infrastructural damage. The more one delves into the details, the more one finds that there’s is more to it than meets the eyes. Is it natural, is it due to climate change or is it a consequence of selfish interests of few miscreants?
बिहार चुनाव पर प्रेस वार्ता: समाज में व्याप्त गैर बराबरी के विरुद्ध संघर्ष जारी रखेगी सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इण्डिया)
सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इण्डिया) आम जन के सशक्तिकरण की राजनीति में विश्वास करती है और जाति-धर्म की राजनीति से हट कर आम इंसान के जीवन को प्रभावित करने वालों मुद्दों को प्राथमिकता देती है।
Conversation Between SP(I)’s Bihar Election Candidate Gautam Kumar Pritam and Rihai Manch General Secretary Rajeev Yadav
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 18 | SP(I)’s Bihar Assembly Election candidate from Bihpur constituency in Bhagalpur, Gautam Kumar Pritam and Rihai Manch General Secretary Rajeev Yadav sat down for a discussion on the upcoming elections and the present and future of Bihar’s politics.
Discussion on Hathras Incident and Security of Common People with Medha Patkar
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 17 | Today’s session where Medha Patkar ji will speak on Hathras Incident and security of common citizens. The session will be moderated by Dr Suman Gupta, Editor, Jan Morcha.
Webinar on Nuclear and Visa Free South Asia
Organized by : Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Dhaka International University (DIU)
Speaker: Dr Sandeep Pandey, Professor, Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), National Law Universities (NLUs), Co-Founder Asha (India), Ramon Magsaysay Awardee (noted Gandhian Leader)
Panel Discussion on Hathras Gang Rape and Murder
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 16 | Discussion on the brutal caste atrocity involving gang rape and murder in Hathras and the complicity of the Yogi government in caste violence in UP.