न्यायमूर्ति सुधीर अग्रवाल के फैसले कि सरकारी वेतन पाने वालों के बच्चों का सरकारी विद्यालयों में पढ़ना अनिवार्य हो को लागू कराने के लिए किए जा रहे अनशन पर सरकार की तरफ से कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं आई है जबकि मुख्यमंत्री ने इसी बीच ’खूब पढ़ो, आगे बढ़ो’ अभियान की शुरूआत की है और भव्य कार्यक्रम […]
Fast Ends After Seven Days, No Response from Government
The indefinite fast going on to get Justice Sudhir Agarwal’s judgment implemented making it compulsory for all receiving salaries from government to send their children to government schools ended on the 7th day today as there was no reponse from the government. During this period Chief Minister has lauched his school enrollment drive and distributed […]
शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता सुधारना उ.प्र. सरकार की प्राथमिकता नहीं
शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता सुधारना उ.प्र. सरकार की प्राथमिकता नहीं उ.प्र. में वृक्षारोपण अभियान के साथ स्कूल चलो अभियान की शुरूआत ’खूब पढ़ो, खूब बढ़ो’ नारे के साथ हुई। मुख्यमंत्री ने बच्चों का स्कूल बैग, यूनीफाॅर्म, जूता मोजा, निःशुल्क किताबों का वितरण किया। हरेक स्कूल को 40 पौधे रोपने का लक्ष्य दिया गया है। 31 जुलाई […]
Improving the Quality of Education Still Not a Priority for UP Government
In U.P. the Chief Minister has launched a campaign to get children enrolled into schools and linked it to a tree plantation drive. He has also distributed dress, socks, shoes, school bag, free books to encourage children to go to school. Every school has been given a target to plant 40 saplings. The tree plantation […]
सुधीर अग्रवाल का फैसले क्यों लागू होना चाहिए
18 अगस्त 2015 को उ.प्र. उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायमूर्ति सुधीर अग्रवाल ने फैसले दिया कि सरकारी वेतन पाने वालों के बच्चों का सरकारी विद्यालय में पढ़ना अनिवार्य होना चाहिए। उनका मानना था कि जो लोग इन विद्यालयों के संचालन के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं वे इनमें ऐसे शिक्षक नियुक्त कर रहे हैं जिन्हें शायद वे उन […]
If Anything is to be Banned, It Should be Private Schools and Hospitals
Among the first decisions of the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh was to ban abattoirs and form anti-Romeo squads. First it was said that all slaughterhouses will be closed but later the government retracted and it was clarified that only illegally operating ones will be closed. But the atmosphere created due to this arbitrary […]
Mayawati Set to Return in Uttar Pradesh
Six months prior to the 2017 assembly elections the battle for power in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was seen as between Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) led by Mayawati and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), which is presently ruling at the centre. BJP’s chances had slightly dwindled after its state vice president Daya Shankar […]
Time to Reject Dynastic Politics?
Samajwadi Party considers Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia as its main ideologue-icon. Dr. Lohia was severely critical of Jawahar Lal Nehru for promoting dynastic politics. But Mulayam Singh seems to have conveniently overlooked this abhorrence of Dr. Lohia. Untill recently most Samajwadi Party hoardings would have pictures of only family members – mostly Mulayam Singh, Akhilesh, […]
Schools Refusing to Comply With RTE Must Be Nationalised
The No Objection Certificate given by the district administration in order for these schools to obtain recognition from some boards could be withdrawn for the schools which are not complying with the RTE Act. Otherwise the schools should be nationalised.
विद्यालय में दाखिला न दिला पाने वाली सरकार कर रही प्रचार बाल दासता खत्म करने का!
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति दिनांकः 14 अक्टूबर, 2016 विद्यालय में दाखिला न दिला पाने वाली सरकार कर रही प्रचार बाल दासता खत्म करने का! जो जिलाधिकारी निजी विद्यालय का मालिक वह कैसे दिलाएगा गरीब बच्चों को मुफ्त शिक्षा? शिक्षा के अधिकार कानून को न मानने वाले निजी विद्यालयों का सरकारीकरण हो राज्य सरकार का बाल संरक्षण आयोग […]