Government of Telangana / Election Commission is not providing free electoral roll to the independent candidates and to small parties.

Government of Telangana / Election Commission is not providing free electoral roll to the independent candidates and to small parties.
MIM people threatened us during our door to door campaign. No action so far on the person who is so openly threatening the democratic election process.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 23 | Dr Shuchita Kumar, who has earlier contested elections for Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha from Sitapur and Rubina Ayaz will co-moderate the discussion.
Urge you to please take her under your wings and admit her to your residential school.
We had earlier through the media and through direct representations brought to your knowledge the constructions right inside the Full Reservoir level of Osman Sagar, but found the same and additional state encroachments by way of concrete iron fencing inside the full reservoir level of Gandipet (Osman Sagar), during our joint survey of 18 November 2020.
Principal Secretary to government, MAUD, government of Telangana has replied to the NHRC case no. 680/36/2/2020 and defends that memos cited were issued for ‘keeping safety and well-being of ‘domestic workers”.
It has come to our knowledge through the media as well as through our findings that students who have written the NEET (UG) 2020 exam on 13 September 2020 and have actually marked answers in their OMR answer sheets have been given a blank sheet and zero marks in their result.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 19 | The recent floods in Hyderabad led to the loss of 81 lives and Rs 9000 crores of infrastructural damage. The more one delves into the details, the more one finds that there’s is more to it than meets the eyes. Is it natural, is it due to climate change or is it a consequence of selfish interests of few miscreants?
Thus, HMWSSB, MAUD Ministry, and the government of Telangana have failed to act in good faith. They need to immediately place in public domain the reservoir flood operation schedule, and compliance of guidelines of Dam Safety Panel and Central Water Commission.
We have been urging in numerous of our representations since years to restore lakes and restore the interlinked channels of the lakes to ensure free flow of surplus waters from one lake to another after the lake is filled to its maximum water spread and to its original storage capacity, and drain finally into Moosi Nadi, but in vain.