While, there is every possibility that areas/extent of survey numbers may have been altered, but fact is that respondents agreed existence of lake and they excavated the 6.35 meter wide channel inside the Phoenix construction site.
Hussain Sagar Case Heard by NGT, Chennai, Says No Improvement in Pollution for Six Years
Joint Committee has reported the distressing situation of GHMC sewage flows highlighting the commissions and omissions of authorities.
Lokayukta Orders HDMA Commissioner and Officials to Survey, Videograph and Report on Surram Cheruvu, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad
An official clarified to the Lokayukta that none of the constructions or highrises have any permission given. Official also told that there was political influence.
26 जनवरी को गांव में घूम रहे खुले पशुओं को ग्रामीण योगी आदित्यनाथ के घर बांधेंगे
गांवों में लोग खुले घूम रहे पशुओं से परेशान हैं। ये पशु फसलों को चर जाते हैं। सरकार की तरफ से जो गौशालाएं खुलवाई गई हैं उनमें पशुओं को ठीक से रखने की व्यवस्था नहीं है।
Villagers Will Bring Stray Cattle to Yogi Adityanath’s Residence on 26 January
These animals graze crops standing in fields. The cow sheds which have been started by the government are non-functional. There is no arrangement to feed them.
Notice From Telangana State Human Rights Commission to Principal Secretary, MAUD
Subject: Complaint to Telangana State Human Rights Commission, against Principal Secretary, MAUD for referring to Domestic Workers as ‘domestic help including maids and house help’, ‘household help including maids, domestic help’.
Students Traumatized Due to OU Dereliction: Backlog Results Not Announced for Distance Education Undergraduate Degree Exams
It is pathetic to note that the two main doors of emancipation and empowerment of citizens, that is education and courts are still virtual/closed, while entertainment, bars, and marriage gatherings, elections, meetings, all have entered physical mode.
26 जनवरी 2021 को लखनऊ चलो! गांव में घूम रहे खुले पशुओं को योगी आदित्यनाथ के घर बांधने
सरकार के पास गायों को गांवों से गौशाला तक ले जाने का भी कोई इंतजाम नहीं। लेकिन अगर कोई गायों को गौशाला ले जाना चाहे तो हिन्दुत्ववादी गौ रक्षक तांडव करते हैं।
सरकार गौशालाओं के प्रबंधन में विफल और भाजपा कार्यकर्ता गाय के नाम पर दलितों पर हमलावर
सण्डीला तहसील के ग्राम लालामऊ मवई में 16 दिसम्बर, 2020 को एक बैठक हुई जिसमें ग्रामीणों ने गांव में खुले घूम रहे जानवरों द्वारा खेतों को नुकसान पहुंचाने की समस्या को रखा।
Telangana Open School Prospectus for 2020-21 Not Available on Website
We urge the Telangana open school officials to promptly upload the prospectus of tenth and intermediate at telanganaopenschool.org