SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Thanjai Ilansingam, State President, Socialist Party (India), Tamil Nadu
Understanding the Four New Labour Codes | Advocate Vishnu Shukla from Kanpur Speaks in Satyagraha
SATYAGRAHA | Speaker: Advocate Vishnu Shukla, Trade Union Activist, Kanpur
Press Freedom in the Times of Covid-19
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers include the noted journalists Ramdutt Tripathi and Pankaj Srivastava.
How “Atamnirbhar” is India in Vaccination : Sandeep ke Sawal With Dr. Sandeep Pandey
Dr. Sandeep Pandey talks about the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in India and how the government of India is failing the country’s people.
Covid Catastrophe in India: Exposing Criminal Misgovernance, Proposing People’s Responses
SATYAGRAHA | Speaker: Dr Abhay Shukla, National co-convener, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
बड़वानी, धार, खरगोन, इंदौर के क्षेत्र में अनुभव के आधार पर कोविड की महामारी के चलते कुछ ठोस सुझाव
हमारे प्रयासों के साथ-साथ बड़वानी, धार, खरगोन, इंदौर के क्षेत्र में जो अनुभव आए हैं। उनके आधार पर आप तक कुछ ठोस सुझाव पहुंचाने के लिए यह आदेश पहुंचा रहे हैं। सुझाव निम्नानुसार:
Labour Movement on the Birthday of Madhu Limaye and Labour Day
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Subhash Ranade, Senior Journalist Indore, Vishnu Shukla, Labour advocate, Kanpur
Protest Against Profiteering From Illness | Demand for FREE Covid Vaccines For All
In support of the fast being organised by Citizens for Democracy (CFD), SP(I) hosted a protest meeting to demand free vaccination for all and a halt on profiteering from sales of vaccines.
लोग मुसीबत में हैं, इस सच से मुंह न मोड़ें योगी आदित्यनाथ- रिहाई मंच
योगी आदित्यनाथ का दावा कि प्रदेश में आक्सीजन, बेड, दवा की कमी नहीं, केवल सफेद झूठ
Quid Pro Quo System
Shobha Shukla, Bobby Ramakant and Sandeep Pandey | Narendra Modi once said he is a Gujarati and understands business. As time passes his business model is getting exposed and he is becoming more shameless like any ordinary businessman.