[SP(I)] press release on right to education in u.p रेस विज्ञप्तिदिनांकः 16 नवम्बर, 2021शिक्षा के अधिकार की धज्जियां उड़ा रही योगी सरकारइधर योगी सरकार ने दो नए फैसले लिए हैं। एक तो मुख्यमंत्री ने घोषणा की है कि यदि किसी विद्यालय या महाविद्यालय में दो बहनें पढ़ रही हों तो शैक्षणिक संस्थान दोनों में से […]
Dalit men enter Kerala temple that had denied entry to oppressed castes
Dalit men enter Kerala temple that had denied entry to oppressed casteshttps://www.justicenews.co.in/dalit-men-enter-kerala-temple-that-had-denied-entry-to-oppressed-castes/In a historic event against caste oppression in Kerala, a group of Dalit men entered a temple in Enmakaje panchayat in Kasaragod district on Sunday, November 14. The group stepped into the Jadadhari Boothasthanam temple, which until now, had kept its doors firmly closed […]
Kisan Panchayat
सोशलिस्ट किसान सभा की पहल पर नवम्बर, 2021, सोमवार को हरदोई क़ी जिले की सण्डीला तहसील मे एक किसान पंचायत आयोजित की जा रही है जिसमे आपका स्वागत ह। किसान पंचायत 1 नवम्बर, 2021, सण्डीला तहसील दिन मै 11 बजे से सण्डीला तहसील जिला हरदोई मुख्य वक्ता– मेधा पाटकर, नर्मदा बचाओ अन्दोलन, डॉ सुनीलम, किसान […]
Two Letters by Political Ecologist AK Roy Drawing Attention to the Environmentally Destructive Vishnugarh Pipalkoti Hydro-Electric Project
Letters to the World Bank and the VPHEP Inspection Panel on the dangers of continuing with the project.
हिंदुत्व के राज में गंगा के लिए 5 साधुओं की मौत | Under Hindutva Rule, 5 Saints Dead Due To Their Efforts To Save the Ganga
Several Sadhus from Matri Sadan Ashram in Haridwar have sat on hunger strikes to save the Ganga from environmental degradation. Since 2014, two Sadhus have died because of hunger strikes, and one is missing.
Why Are Sadhus On A Fast to Save The Ganga?
Discussion on the protest movement by the seers of Matri Sadan to save the Ganga river from environmental destruction.
साम्प्रदायिक फ़ासिवाद के ख़िलाफ़ समाजवादी लोकतांत्रिक ताक़तों को एकजुट होना होगा
वर्धा राष्ट्रीय अधिवेशन में सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) के २०२१-२०२३ के पदाधिकारी निर्वाचित
Socialist Democratic Forces Must Unite Against Communal Fascism
New 2021-2023 office bearers elected at the national convention of Socialist Party (India)
Rajeev Yadav (General Secretary Rihai Manch) Interviews Anil Mishra
SATYAGRAHA | Anil Mishra is an SP(I) candidate in the 2022 UP Assembly Elections.
Letter to Pollution Control Appellate Authority, Hyderabad: Contempt of CPCB Guidelines, GHMC/Police/HMDA Polluting Water Bodies Through Immersion of Idols
Subject: Contempt of CPCB guidelines by GHMC/Police Department/HMDA by polluting water bodies through immersion of Idols – Government agencies spending huge money to pollute water bodies and Hussain Sagar even as there is case NGT OA 85/2015 running in NGT SZ Chennai against pollution of Hussain Sagar.