Ankit Goyal | Small steps are essential to raising a particular “consciousness” in individuals. When Mahatma Gandhi organized the Dandi March and made salt, it was just not to oppose the salt tax, it was to demonstrate defiance against every injustice imposed by colonial rule.
एक बेहतर दुनिया की ओर अभियान का आरंभ: “हमारे जीवन, जीवनशैली और रोज़गार से कम-से-कम संसाधनों का दोहन हो”
ग्रेटा थुनबर्ग से प्रेरित हो कर अनेक युवाओं ने एक नया अभियान आरंभ किया – ‘एक बेहतर दुनिया की ओर’. प्रख्यात मानवाधिकार कार्यकर्ता मेधा पाटकर ने इस अभियान को जारी करते हुए देश-विदेश के युवाओं को याद दिलाया कि महात्मा गाँधी ने कहा था कि प्रकृति में इतने संसाधन तो हैं कि हर एक की ज़रूरतें पूरी हो सके परन्तु इतने नहीं कि एक का भी लालच पूरा हो सके
Launch of “Towards the Better World Campaign” by Medha Patkar and Dr Lubna Sarwath
This is the LIVE Launch of “Towards the Better World Campaign” An initiative by Medha Patkar and Dr. Lubna Sarwath, Dr. Sandeep Pandey and The Public.
Towards a Better World Campaign Launch: “Our Lifestyles Must be Based on as Less Resources as Possible”
Senior activist Medha Patkar launched a youth-led, Towards A Better World campaign, in an online session where several youth leaders of Fridays For Future (a global movement led by Greta Thunberg) and other youth activists took part.