Peaceful protest in Telangana to make Education and equaliser by implementing Section 12 (1) (c) of the Right to Education Act In Telangana.

Peaceful protest in Telangana to make Education and equaliser by implementing Section 12 (1) (c) of the Right to Education Act In Telangana.
The Socialist Party (India) is of the view that the Union Budget is disappointing as it lacks clear plans and vision to address the problems of common citizens of India, especially the marginalized sections of population. To solve the problems of farmers or workers, constructive measures are not proposed. There is no relief for the […]
Opposition parties cannot be silent on injustice and the right to education being denied to women.
Once again Chief Minister preferred to be biased against open tenth students even though most of open tenth are from socially and financialy challenged families.
9 अप्रैल, शुक्रवार को सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) के चौक स्थित कार्यालय में शाम 5 बजे पार्टी की तरफ से जो ब्याज मुक्त क़र्ज़ दिया गया था उसकी समीक्षा हेतु एक बैठक बुलाई गयी है।