Socialist Party (India) handed out interest-free loans of Rs. 5,000 each to 20 families of dholak makers from Dubbaga at Socialist Party (India) Office, Kalbe Abid Road, Chowk on 26 June, 2020.

Socialist Party (India) handed out interest-free loans of Rs. 5,000 each to 20 families of dholak makers from Dubbaga at Socialist Party (India) Office, Kalbe Abid Road, Chowk on 26 June, 2020.
Dr. Nuzhat Husain will be handing out interest free loans of Rs. 5,000 each to 20 families of Dholak makers from Dubbaga at Socialist Party (India) Office, Kalbe Abid Road, near Old Tarkari Mandi, opposite Mukhtare Halwai, Chowk on 26 June, 2020, Friday at 5:30 pm. Ajay Kumar Lallu, UP President of Congress Party is also likely to join.
कंट्रोल दुकानों से निशुल्क राशन वितरण के मामले में भ्रम की स्थिति बनी हुई है ।मध्य प्रदेश सरकार कहती है कि सभी गरीबों को कंट्रोल दुकानों से निशुल्क राशन दिया जाएगा, लेकिन जिला प्रशासन का कहना है कि ऐसा कोई आदेश नहीं है, केवल गरीबी रेखा के कार्ड वालों को ही राशन उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा।
SP(I) began a new initiative today. Rs. 5000 loans were given out to 10 women from Janata Nagri by Dr. Nuzhat Husain to stengthen their livelihood activities.
रिहाई मंच ने निजामाबाद के गौसपुर घुरी गांव में बारिश से मकान ढहने की सूचना पर पीड़ितों से मुलाकात कर उनको राहत सामग्री और सहायता उपलब्ध कराई। प्रतिनिधिमंडल में रिहाई मंच महासचिव राजीव यादव, बाकेलाल, अवधेश यादव, विनोद यादव और धीरेन्द्र यादव मौजूद थे।
With the leftover money from the donations received for covid relief efforts, a plan is to be devised to provide an impetus to certain marginalised communities. Three such communities were identified in Lucknow: (i) Stonecutters (ii) Dholak Makers (iii) Chikan hand work artisans. These would be given interest free credit for pursuing their businesses.
This is to bring in your kind notice that COVID relief organization functioning in Lucknow, identified a list of registered farmers under PM Kissan Samman Yojna eligible to receive 6000/- annually but have not received a single installment yet.
Anand Vardhan Singh and Sandeep Pandey discuss the current state of affairs in the country as the lockdown is extended for a fourth time.
Live session with Anand Vardhan Singh and Dr. Sandeep Pandey on difficulties in Lockdown 3.0
The International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) has arranged 2 buses for migrant people who are stuck in MUMBAI (Bandra East) to return back to the districts of Sultanpur and Shahjahanpur in UP. The buses will go to pick up migrant laborers from Mumbai and bring them to the two districts of UP.