We fully trust in Lokayukta and all the officials that the Surram Cheruvu Bandlaguda and its hydrology viz., inflow, outflow channels and weir be restored as a common property.

We fully trust in Lokayukta and all the officials that the Surram Cheruvu Bandlaguda and its hydrology viz., inflow, outflow channels and weir be restored as a common property.
Abhay Jain and Sandeep Pandey | As Covid consumes human life in a very conspicuous way we are confronted with additional problem of disposing off human corpses.
When we visit Moosi Nadi and its banks this time we will not find Ashfaq bhai and we cannot call him. This morning he passed away.
OA 39/2020 in NGT Chennai – Order of 17 March 2021 – Next hearing 7 June 2021
SATYAGRAHA | Deccan Development Society (DDS) is a three and half decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women’s Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) in Sangareddy District of Telangana.
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Brahmachari Atmabodhanand, Matri Sadan, Haridwar; Nupur Risbood, South Asian People’s Action on Climate Crisis, Mumbai
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | National Convener of Navnirman Krushak Sangathan, and farmers’ leader from Odisha, Akshay Kumar, is in conversation with Dr Amit Singh, professor Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. Akshay bhai had also led over 800 farmers from Odisha to Delhi on 26 January 2021.
Sandeep Pandey talks about the issue of river Ganga and the contribution of sadhus of Matra Sadan in saving river Ganga.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 36 | We talk to Swami Shivanand Saraswati, who is sitting on fast after Brahmchari Atmabodhanand was taken away by police from Matri Sadan, Haridwar on the 20th day of this fast.
The head of Matri Sadan, Haridwar Swami Shivanand Saraswati is currently on fast against illegal mining and big dams on Ganga in the Himalayas.