SATYAGRAHA | Deccan Development Society (DDS) is a three and half decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women’s Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) in Sangareddy District of Telangana.

SATYAGRAHA | Deccan Development Society (DDS) is a three and half decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women’s Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) in Sangareddy District of Telangana.
The average temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1.1◦C since the Industrial Revolution and rising faster than ever. According to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), a rise of 1.5◦C is not safe. A rise of 2◦C may lead to runaway global warming.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 9 | The objective of this session is to identify the impact of rising temperature on the Indian agriculture system and our food security. We will also try to understand the impact of mismanaged agricultural activities in augmenting carbon emissions and know the agricultural practices essential to subdue the impact of rising temperatures and weather extremes.