The time has come to evaluate our choices, our lifestyle and the impact they are having on basic life forces – environment and society (human relationships). To make you aware of the undesirable repercussions of our unconscious or somewhat conscious actions, we are conducting weekly sessions titled “Satyagraha”. In these sessions we will try to understand the problem to the core, bring out the truth, the satya; listen to the unheard or ignored, provide a media for them to express and if possible, try to find out an optimal resolution of the same.
With this objective in mind, this Saturday we are conducting a session on “Climate Crisis and Agriculture”. The objective of this session is to identify the impact of rising temperature on the Indian agriculture system and our food security. We will also try to understand the impact of mismanaged agricultural activities in augmenting carbon emissions and know the agricultural practices essential to subdue the impact of rising temperatures and weather extremes. We will see how we can make small contributions in terms of behavioral change to make living conditions less difficult for others and to attain a sustainable lifestyle.
Speaker: Dr. Shree Kumar, co-founder Sangatya Commune, Organic farmer, Phd- IISc, NITK
Moderator: Mr. Ankit Goyal, Co-convener, Eco-Socialist front