Khurram Parvez

Khurram Parvez

Khurram Parvez would have known it was coming. Two weeks back, Mr Shah opened his dog-eared copy of the 2019 illustrated edition of The Standard Playbook for Indian Dictators, beamed around at approving looks from his team as he landed on the chapter  – “UAPA for Professional Dummies” and promptly got Khurram arrested. But then, Khurram is […]

The Problem of Unemployment article by Sandeep Pandey.

The Problem of Unemployment article by Sandeep Pandey.

An advertisement of Bhartiya Janata Party government in Uttar Pradesh proclaims, ‘Educated woman is our resolve, She is an alternative for golden future.’ However, an educated woman Shikha Pal is perched on top of an overhead water tank for more than hundred days at the height of about hundred feet aspiring to become a teacher […]

Sign the petition: Subject surveillance to democratic norms and full transparency

Sign the petition: Subject surveillance to democratic norms and full transparency

Endorse/sign the petition here: We believe that the Pegasus spyware is intended to create a chilling effect on freedom of speech which is a brazen constitutional undercutting. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is the bedrock of a healthy society – people freely able to speak their mind – even when their opinions might go […]

UP govt ‘ignoring’ demand to fill up teachers’ posts despite unemployment: Rights groups

UP govt ‘ignoring’ demand to fill up teachers’ posts despite unemployment: Rights groups

Commenting on the unique protest undertaken by Shikha Pal atop an overhead water tank for nearly four months, the Socialist Party (India), in association with several civil rights group, Yuva Shakti Sangathan, Socialist Yuvjan Sabha and Rihai Manch, have wondered why has the Yogi Adityanath government is so “insensitive” towards her demands’ and is looking […]

Dalit men enter Kerala temple that had denied entry to oppressed castes

Dalit men enter Kerala temple that had denied entry to oppressed castes

Dalit men enter Kerala temple that had denied entry to oppressed castes a historic event against caste oppression in Kerala, a group of Dalit men entered a temple in Enmakaje panchayat in Kasaragod district on Sunday, November 14. The group stepped into the Jadadhari Boothasthanam temple, which until now, had kept its doors firmly closed […]

बाराबंकी के ग्रामीण खुले पशुओं को योगी आदित्यनाथ के यहां बांधने के लिए ले कर निकले

बाराबंकी के ग्रामीण खुले पशुओं को योगी आदित्यनाथ के यहां बांधने के लिए ले कर निकले

जब से योगी आदित्यनाथ की सरकार उत्तर प्रदेश में आई है किसानों के लिए एक नई समस्या खड़ी हो गई है।

मोदी राज में पूंजीपति मालामाल, किसान मजदूर हो गए कंगाल, अडानी-अंबानी  प्रति मिनट कमा रहे हैं एक करोड़ से ज्यादा

मोदी राज में पूंजीपति मालामाल, किसान मजदूर हो गए कंगाल, अडानी-अंबानी प्रति मिनट कमा रहे हैं एक करोड़ से ज्यादा

मजदूर और किसान संगठनों के आवाहन पर भारत बचाओ दिवस के तहत बनी प्रभावी मानव श्रृंखला