SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Join us as we aim to make a stand: to show the world that farmers and food producers from the Global South stand shoulder to shoulder against the neoliberalization of agriculture, that we stand with the farmers of India.
किसान एकजुट है कि देश की किसानी वह कॉर्पोरेट उद्योग को नहीं सौपने देंगे: डॉ सुनीलम से बातचीत
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | सत्याग्रह के इस सत्र में डॉ सुनीलम बात कर रहे हैं डॉ लुबना सर्वथ से जो सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) की तेलंगाना प्रदेश महासचिव हैं और सुप्रसिद्ध पर्यवारंविद्ध हैं.
Farmers’ Protests Have Reinforced Democracy | किसान आन्दोलन से लोकतंत्र हुआ मज़बूत | Pankaj Pushkar
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | This Satyagraha discussion features Pankaj Pushkar, former MLA from Delhi, who is in conversation with Rajeev Yadav.
Yogi Government, Manage Open Animals | Sandeep Ke Sawal With Sandeep Pandey
In this video, Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks about the Kisan Andolan and the condition of cows in Uttar Pradesh and other states.
मोदी सरकार – किसान विरोधी कानून वापस लो | योगी सरकार – खुले पशुओं का प्रबंध करो
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Satyagraha discussion featuring Lok Dal Haryana leader Pardeep Hooda and moderated by Dr Sandeep Pandey of Socialist Party (India).
What is Disha Ravi’s Toolkit Case? | Sandeep Ke Sawal with Dr. Sandeep Pandey
Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks about the Toolkit Case and Disha Ravi’s arrest, Greta Thunberg, Nikita Jacob and Shantanu.
Privatisation of Public-Sector BSNL for Benefitting Corporations is Catastrophic for the People
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 32 | Manoj Thakur ji of BSNL Bachao Samiti and Dr Lubna Sarwath are on the discussion panel.
South Asia Solidarity Forum for Federal Democracy in Myanmar | Myanmar Coup
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 31 | Panel: Debbie Stothard, human rights defender and coordinator of ALTSEAN Burma.
Rail Roko, Farmers’ Protest and Chauri Chaura: Dr Sandeep Pandey’s Viewpoint
Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks on Rail Roko/Chakka Jam, farmers’ movement and Chauri Chaura.
Seminar on Farmers’ Protests: Growing Strength of Farmers’ Movement Gives Hope For Stronger Democracy
One-Day Seminar on Farmers’ Movement, held on 7 February, 2021, Sunday from 11 am to 1 am and 2 pm to 4 pm.