SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 35 | Today’s Satyagraha features Raghu Thakur ji who is a senior socialist thinker, and is in conversation with Pankaj Pushkar ji, an academic, activist and politician.

SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 35 | Today’s Satyagraha features Raghu Thakur ji who is a senior socialist thinker, and is in conversation with Pankaj Pushkar ji, an academic, activist and politician.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 34 | Speakers: Gaurav Singh, Mohammad Ahmad and Sarfaraz Ahmad.
Dr Sandeep Pandey talks about the kisan andolan, farmer suicide and the increased rates of diesel and petrol.
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 33 | Satyagraha discussion puts spotlight on the impact of privatization and harassment of BSNL employees.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Supporters of farmers’ agitation are being jailed in fabricated charges.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Join us as we aim to make a stand: to show the world that farmers and food producers from the Global South stand shoulder to shoulder against the neoliberalization of agriculture, that we stand with the farmers of India.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | सत्याग्रह के इस सत्र में डॉ सुनीलम बात कर रहे हैं डॉ लुबना सर्वथ से जो सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) की तेलंगाना प्रदेश महासचिव हैं और सुप्रसिद्ध पर्यवारंविद्ध हैं.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | This Satyagraha discussion features Pankaj Pushkar, former MLA from Delhi, who is in conversation with Rajeev Yadav.
In this video, Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks about the Kisan Andolan and the condition of cows in Uttar Pradesh and other states.
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS’ MOVEMENT SERIES | Satyagraha discussion featuring Lok Dal Haryana leader Pardeep Hooda and moderated by Dr Sandeep Pandey of Socialist Party (India).