SATYAGRAHA | Speaker: Dr Abhay Shukla, National co-convener, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan

SATYAGRAHA | Speaker: Dr Abhay Shukla, National co-convener, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Subhash Ranade, Senior Journalist Indore, Vishnu Shukla, Labour advocate, Kanpur
In support of the fast being organised by Citizens for Democracy (CFD), SP(I) hosted a protest meeting to demand free vaccination for all and a halt on profiteering from sales of vaccines.
SATYAGRAHA | Join us today in one of a kind session where our guest moderator Ms Avantika Nirupama, will take us through a sublime process in order to get out of our groove and self-reflect on “Corona and Us”.
SATYAGRAHA | Tenzin Tsundue talks about his struggle for a free Tibet.
SATYAGRAHA | Deccan Development Society (DDS) is a three and half decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women’s Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) in Sangareddy District of Telangana.
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: * Ms Yuvti Chaudhary, candidate for Gram Pradhan, Rampur Madiya, Sitapur
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Brahmachari Atmabodhanand, Matri Sadan, Haridwar; Nupur Risbood, South Asian People’s Action on Climate Crisis, Mumbai
SATYAGRAHA | Senior farmers’ rights leader Advocate Aradhana Bhargava speaks in this Satyagraha discussion.
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Lata Pratibha Madhukar, Senior activist, Maharashtra; Sudesh Goyat, War widows’ and Veterans’ rights and Farmers’ movement.