Health is a fundamental human right and it is government’s responsibility to ensure every human being lives fully and receives all healthcare services.

Health is a fundamental human right and it is government’s responsibility to ensure every human being lives fully and receives all healthcare services.
हमारी यह भी मांग है कि 2018 के इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश सुधीर अग्रवाल और न्यायाधीश अजीत कुमार के आदेश का तुरंत अनुपालन किया जाए जिसमें स्पष्ट निर्देश था कि जो लोग सरकार से तनख्वाह पाते हैं वह और उनके परिवार जन, सरकारी स्वास्थ्य सेवा ही इलाज करवाएं.
Also, we demand that government must strictly enforce the 2018 Allahabad High Court’s Justice Sudhir Agarwal and Justice Ajeet Kumar order that all receiving salaries from the government and their family members should get themselves treated at government health care facilities.
More than a fortnight has passed since these disgraceful events. There appears to have been no introspection and no expression of remorse by ruling circles in respect of these incidents.
Such transgressions are unprecedented and did not occur within parliamentary institutions even during the Emergency of 1975-77.
On the occasion of completion of padyatra by Tibetan poet-activist Tenzin Tsundue from Dharamshala to Delhi, the Socialist Party (India) reaffirms its support for the independence of Tibet.
पूरे देश ने देखा है कि किस तरह से केन्द्र सरकार ने संसद से बिना बहस या मतदान के तीन कृषि सम्बंधित विधेयक जल्दीबाजी में पारित करवाए।
South Asian civil society networks for peace, health and human rights call for federal democracy in Myanmar
Hearing in High Court Hyderabad in WP(PIL) 32/2020 – for encroachment-free and pollution free Moosi Nadi.
2 RTIs dated 5 November 2020 filed for information on water bodies cases are pending in High Court.