Urge you to please take her under your wings and admit her to your residential school.

Urge you to please take her under your wings and admit her to your residential school.
We had earlier through the media and through direct representations brought to your knowledge the constructions right inside the Full Reservoir level of Osman Sagar, but found the same and additional state encroachments by way of concrete iron fencing inside the full reservoir level of Gandipet (Osman Sagar), during our joint survey of 18 November 2020.
Surendra Gadling is a human rights lawyer and Dalit rights activist based in Nagpur. He is known for taking up cases of extra-judicial killings, police excesses and atrocities against Dalits and Adivasis in Gadchiroli and Gondia districts.
Principal Secretary to government, MAUD, government of Telangana has replied to the NHRC case no. 680/36/2/2020 and defends that memos cited were issued for ‘keeping safety and well-being of ‘domestic workers”.
Sudhir Dhawale, a writer, poet, artist, perennial protestor and a Dalit leader, was arrested and jailed in mid-2018. He remains in jail charged under UAPA and assorted IPC codes.
Mahesh has chosen to dedicate his life towards improving the lives of the dispossessed people of the Gadchiroli region – arguing for their betterment by standing up to powerful unjust forces.
We have been urging in numerous of our representations since years to restore lakes and restore the interlinked channels of the lakes to ensure free flow of surplus waters from one lake to another after the lake is filled to its maximum water spread and to its original storage capacity, and drain finally into Moosi Nadi, but in vain.
We appeal for removal of highrises, buildings, constructions in the FTL & buffer zone boundary, prominent of which are identified and placed in our petition. We appeal for restoration of the lake and its hydrology.
It is observed that CVs of only three Information Commissioners are available on website and CVs of remaining three Information Commissioners are not uploaded on the website http://tsic.gov.in/profileics.do
Lake at Mehdipatnam trespassed, not restored. Lake turns puddle in spite of heavy rains. Representations not heeded to evict encroachments & desilt for restoration of storage capacity and area of notified lake.