Decoding the Agenda of the New National Education Policy

Decoding the Agenda of the New National Education Policy

Anil Sadgopal | The cynical assault by the Central government on the federal structure, sanctified by the Constitution, is now an integral feature of the NEP. The greed of edu-tech companies for the huge market that online examinations would open fits with the Central government’s alignment with neoliberal capital, not the people of India.

New Education Policy: A Rehash of Old Ideas

New Education Policy: A Rehash of Old Ideas

Sandeep Pandey and Praveen Srivastava | The Bhartiya Janata Party government did what it is best at in announcing the New Education Policy – high on publicity, low in content, with the country’s Environment Minister taking the centre stage and Human Resources Minister, now rechristened as Education Minister, playing second fiddle.

Hindu-Muslim Teamwork Revives Dashed Hopes of Amity

Hindu-Muslim Teamwork Revives Dashed Hopes of Amity

Supriya Joshi, Vishal Kumar and Sandeep Pandey | What is hardly known is that in one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations of the world, despite communal politics being used extensively for mobilising voters, relief work has demonstrated that communal and divisive politics have not yet damaged the social fabric.

कश्मीर और धारा 370  पर समाजवादियों का स्टैंड

कश्मीर और धारा 370 पर समाजवादियों का स्टैंड

क़ुरबान अली | राममनोहर लोहिया सहित सोशलिस्ट पार्टी, प्रजा सोशलिस्ट पार्टी और संयुक्त सोशलिस्ट पार्टी के नेताओं ने भी कभी भी जम्मू कश्मीर से धारा 370 को हटाए जाने की वकालत नहीं की। बल्कि इनमे से अधिकांश तो जम्मू कश्मीर में जनमत संग्रह कराये जाने की मांग का समर्थन करते रहे।