मजदूर और किसान संगठनों के आवाहन पर भारत बचाओ दिवस के तहत बनी प्रभावी मानव श्रृंखला
Right To Education Being Denied to Women: Four Government-Aided Courses Yet To Be Opened For Admission at KNPW
Opposition parties cannot be silent on injustice and the right to education being denied to women.
Kerala State Unit of Socialist Mahila Sabha Observes Death Anniversary of Aruna Asaf Ali as Women’s Equality Day.
Socialist Mahila Sabha workers organized a night march of women, raising the slogan, “This Street is Ours Too.”
9 August to be Celebrated as Socialist Day at Lohia Mazdoor Bhawan, Lucknow
सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया), उत्तर प्रदेश इकाई इस बार 9 अगस्त, भारत छोड़ो दिवस, को सोशलिस्ट दिवस के रूप में मनायेगी
किसान संसद की कहानी संदीप पांडेय की जुबानी
Sandeep Ke Sawaal: Dr Sandeep Pandey speaks about the recently held Kisaan Sansad in Delhi.
Open Appeal to Governor, Chief Justice, Education Minister and Mayor of Telangana: Include Four Aided Courses in Women’s Polytechnic College
Please include Garment Technology, Hotel Management, Architecture, and Pharmacy as aided courses at KNPW.
Appeal to the Beloved People of Telangana: Stand Up for Women’s Education, Oppose Derecognition of Kamala Nehru Polytechnic
The prestigious Kamala Nehru Polytechnic college for Women at Exhibition grounds Hyderabad has been de-listed from the colleges for the polytechnic courses from the academic year 2021-22.
विकास ही सबसे अच्छा गर्भ-निरोधक है
बाॅबी रमाकांत व संदीप पाण्डेय | ज़ाहिर बात है कि जब तक हर प्रकार की लिंग और यौनिक असमानता नहीं समाप्त होगी, तब तक महिला कैसे विकास के हर संकेतक में बराबरी से हिस्सेदार बनेगी?
क्या UP में हुआ जातिवादी राजनीति का अंत ? | Sandeep Ke Sawaal
Dr Sandeep Pandey talks about the current political scenario in UP and the upcoming Assembly elections.
Corruption of Police Devastates Human Lives
Mohammad Shoaib and Sandeep Pandey | It has now emerged as a common phenomenon that police more often than not register false cases because of which individuals have to spend number of years in jail.