In response to our representation dated 29 January 2020 to evict the Pride Honda showroom and the high rises built within the premises of the lake at 17°24’32.56″N, 78°21’12.17″E at Narsingi Nanakramguda Service Road, Puppulguda Village, Rajendra Nagar M, RR District, we appreciate the direction from the National Water Mission, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, New Delhi to Secretary, I&CAD, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad. The due date for responding to the notice is 14 February 2020 and the Government of Telangana has not responded to the complainants Dr Lubna et al, thus far.
The National Water Mission, Government of India, Ministry of Water Resources (vide ltr M/1/2020-NWM-MpWR/352-352 dated 3.2.2020) issued a notice to Government of Telangana, Secretary, I&CAD, in light of the provision of the Indian Constitution “for overarching framework to protect and manage this supernal resource for ensuring just and equal delivery of benefits to our society, in large.”
Further, the National Water Mission (NWM) “directs the concerned authorities of the State of Telangana to put up a reply within ten days of the receipt of this letter illustrating a thorough evaluation of the merit of the complaint filed by Dr Lubna, et al., including an explanation of the tenets and evidences against which the merits of the complaint re-evaluated. The reply shall also mandatorily include a suitable action plan to allay the menace ensuing from the purported illegal encroachment of the said water body in a time-bound manner.”
Notice to Secretary, I&CAD, Govt of Telangana, from the National Water Mission, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, as received by complainant Dr Lubna et al, is as below:

We are appalled that ten days since receiving this direction from NWM, to the Secretary, I&CAD, Government of Telangana to restore the water-body as detailed in our complaint, we have not been copied on the action-taken report to the National Water Mission, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, New Delhi.
We assure you of all our cooperation in compliance with the epistemic book of every Indian, viz., the Constitution of India.
Dr Lubna Sarwath, Dr Jasveen Jairath, Balaswamy