Hyderabad 16 May 2021
The Vice Chancellor
Osmania University, Hyderabad
Dear Vice Chancellor, Osmania Univeresity,
Subject: LAWCET 2021 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA – Exclusion of one-sitting degree certificate holders as candidates for LAWCET 2021;
Reference: Eligibility Criteria for LAWCET 2021
Please refer above link wherein eligibility criteria of LAWCET 2021 is stated. We find that totally discriminatory and exclusive. It is a fundamental right denial of a candidate to become a law officer in the courts of India by differentiating between the methodology of obtaining a degree. While institutions such as Osmania University from where one-sitting degree is obtained and open universities like IGNOU/BROAU are instiutions of high esteem the factor of running through degree course for three years which is not feasible for financially and/or socially marginalized is shockingly ignored.
Please issue clarification and issue notice promptly to Telangana State Principal secretary for higher education and to the Chief Secretary to repeal GO Ms 33 dt 18.3.2009 that bars candidates from open universities and one-sitting degree holders from taking LAWCET 2021.
It is appalling that LAWCET a body for selecting students to pursuing law as a step to get justice for citizens, is faltering and committing injustice at the first step itself.
We hope to hear from you earliest.
Dr Lubna Sarwath
State General Secretary, Socialist Party (India)