The Pollution Control Appellate Authority
Ministry of Environment, Forests, Science and Technology
Begumpet, Hyderabad
Dear Appellate Authority,
Subject: Contempt of CPCB guidelines by GHMC/Police Department/HMDA by polluting water bodies through immersion of Idols – Government agencies spending huge money to pollute water bodies and Hussain Sagar even as there is case NGT OA 85/2015 running in NGT SZ Chennai against pollution of Hussain Sagar.
1. ‘REVISED GUIDELINES FOR IDOL IMMERSION’ issued by CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change) ‘Parivesh Bhawan’, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi – 110032, (Website), E-mail: cpcb@nic.in in May 2020 (enclosed)
2. Hyderabad City Police Brings in New Technique for Idol Immersion (Telanagana Today)
1. We draw your urgent attention to the ‘REVISED GUIDELINES FOR IDOL IMMERSION’ issued by CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change) ‘Parivesh Bhawan’, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi in May 2020.
As per the CPCB guidelines, 4.0 ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LOCAL AND URBAN AUTHORITIES, 5.0 Guidelines for Idol Immersion in Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds, 7.0 Guidelines for Idol Immersion by Households, it is very clear without any ambiguity that no idol or tazia can ever be immersed in any water body.
2. We now urge you to stop any idol/tazia from being immersed in any water body of jurisdiction of GHMC/HMDA and under the jurisdiction of TSPCB.
We urge you to proceed against the GHMC, Police Department, HMDA, and TSPCB for not implementing the CPCB guidelines that are formulated after the High Court of Mumbai had observed as follows in (PIL) / W.P.(C) No. 1325/2003 on 22.07.2008:
“We expect that the Central Govt. will consider laying down of guidelines for immersion of idols and would also consider related matters with regard to pollution of water bodies. Both the Union Government as well as
the State Government shall consider it expeditiously because the time lost involving the pollution might prove dangerous for environment of the country in long run”
3. Further, the CPCB guidelines also cite as follows:
‘The religious scripts, mythology, and religious rituals have attempted to drive the importance of preserving nature by adoring it through the centuries. Bhagavadgita (9.26) states:
“Patram Pushpam phalam toyam, yo mey bhaktya prayachchati Tadaham bhakt yupahrutam asnaami prayataatmanaha” which means “ If one offers me in pure consciousness with love and devotion a fruit, a flower, a leaf or even water, I delightfully partake of that offered article ”
भावार्थ : जो कोई भक्त मेरे लिए प्रेम से पत्र, पुष्प , फि, जि आलि अपथण करता है , उस शुद्धबुद्धद्ध लिष्काम प्रेमी भक्त का प्रेमपूवथक अपथण लकया हुआ वह पत्र-पुष्पालि मैं सगुणरूप से प्रकट होकर प्रीलतसलहत खाता हूँ ॥’
4. Further it is observed that over the years from 2013-2017 more than 30 crores has been spent to pollute the Hussain Sagar and other lakes in Hyderabad through immersion of idols. GOs from the year 2018 on the expenditure of idol immersion is not available on the GO website. Below are details of GOs issued regarding expenditure incurred for pollution of Hussain Sagar and water bodies :
4.1. GO 114 DATED 25.8.2014: ‘an amount of Rs. 4,08,50,000/- ( Rs. Four Crore Eight Lakhs and Fifty Thousand only) towards Immersion of Ganesh Idols & Durga Matha Idols in Hussain Sagar Lake and at various specified locations in and around twin cities of Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Ranga Reddy District during the year, 2014.’ – IRRIGATION & CAD DEPARTMENT
4.2. GO NO. 179 DT 22.9.2014 IRRIGATION & CAD DEPARTMENT: ‘for an amount of Rs.3,88,51,000/- (Rs. Three Crores Eighty-Eight Lakhs and Fifty one Thousand only) towards Immersion of Ganesh Idols & Durga Matha Idols during the year, 2013.’
4.3. GO 677 DT 11.9.2015 IRRIGATION & CAD DEPARTMENT: ‘approval for an amount of Rs.474.09 Lakhs ( Four Crore seventy-four Lakhs and nine thousand only) towards Immersion of Ganesh Idols & Durga Matha Idols in Hussain Sagar Lake and at various specified locations in and around twin cities of Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Ranga Reddy District during the year, 2015,
4.4. GO 454 DT 30.4.2016: ‘revised administrative approval for an amount of Rs. 4,47,45,000/- (Rupees Four Crores Forty-Seven Lakhs and Forty-Five Thousand only) for the work of “Handling & Immersion of Ganesh Idols and DurgamathaIdols along with deployment of Cranes with labour, during the year, 2014.’
4.5. GO 549 DT 10.6.2016 IRRIGATION & CAD DEPARTMENT: The government hereby accords revised administrative approval for an amount of Rs. Rs.4,94,78,638/ (Rupees Four Crores Ninty Four Lakhs Seventy Eight Thousand Six Hundred and thirty-Eight only) for the work of Immersion of Ganesh Idols and Durgamatha Idols, during the year, 2015′ ‘in Hussain Sagar Lake and at various specified locations in and around twin cities of Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Ranga Reddy District during the year, 2015’.
4.6. GO 647 DT 10.7.2017: ‘Government hereby ratify the action taken by District Collector, R.R. District in having accorded Administrative Sanction for an amount of Rs. 99.81 Lakhs (Rupees Ninety Nine Lakhs And Eight One Thousand Only) for Construction of temporary platforms, improvements & approaches to existing platforms during the immersion of Ganesh Idols in different tanks’
4.7. GO 770 DT 6.9.2017: ‘Government hereby accord Administrative Approval for an amount of Rs. 505.00 lakhs (Rupees five crores five lakhs only) for the work “Immersion of Ganesh Idols & Durga Matha Idols for the Year2017”.
4.8. GO 791 DT 20.9.2016: ‘ Government hereby accord Administrative Approval for an amount of Rs.486.38 lakhs(Rupees four crores eight six lakhs and thirty-eight thousand only) for the work “Immersion of Ganesh Idols & DurgaMatha Idols for the Year2016”.
4.9. GO 122 DT 27.8.2014: ‘Government after careful examination of the proposal hereby constitutes a Standing Committee with the following Members for the organization of immersion of Ganesh Idols and Durga Matha Idols:-
- Commissioner, P & D of Godavari Basin, Hyderabad.
- Officials from GHMC not less than the rank of Assistant Commissioner.
- Officials from Transportation Department are not less than the rank of Assistant Commissioner.
- Joint Director of Works Accounts from the office of the Director of works Accounts.’
4.10. G.O.Rt.No.959 Dated:27.07.2018 I & CAD Dept – Revised Administrative Approval for an amount of ₹: 625.95 Lakhs for “Handling and Immersion of Ganesh & Durga Matha Idols duly supplying stationary and Mobile cranes along with labour and also to execute the other works connected with the subject work during the year 2017” -Accorded – Orders – Issued.
5. Further, it is very shocking to find the following act of Police Department as per this news item.

While any pollutant or immersion is totally illegal police department is using thermocol which is itself pollutant to further immerse idols that are totally prohibited by the CPCB guidelines.
6. Thus, we urge the Appellate Authority, in light of the CPCB guidelines of May 2020, to issue NO IMMERSION of idols/tazias order, promptly, so that the decaying water bodies that are facing extinction may be saved, and rule of law and application of mind be upheld.
It is shocking to see that the government of Telangana is oblivious to the existential threat that our planet is facing and in a most unscientific manner and without application of mind, is making huge expenditure and arrangements to pollute the water bodies, even as the IPCC report stated the critical importance of water spaces as lifelines.
Dr. Lubna Sarwath
Dr. Jasveen Jairath
Sanghamitra Malik