Irreversible damages have been done by the existing Bulk Drug units in and around Hyderabad.

Irreversible damages have been done by the existing Bulk Drug units in and around Hyderabad.
Sadhvi Padmawati is in the Intensive Care Unit in a critical condition having lost her voice. Brahmachari Atmabodhanand was discharged from AIIMS on 5 March and Uttarakhand police/administration refused to take responsibility of him.
नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार ने चाहे नमामि गंगे के नाम पर जितना भी पैसा खर्च कर लिया हो हक़ीक़त तो यही है की गंगा साफ़ नहीं हुई है और दूसरी हक़ीक़त यह है की जब तक गंगा में अवैध खनन बंद नहीं होगा, सभी प्रस्तावित व निर्माणाधीन बांधों पर रोक नहीं लगाई जाएगी व गन्दी नालियों का पानी, बिना साफ़ किये अथवा साफ़ करने के बाद भी, नदी में डालने से रोका नहीं जायेगा तब तक मातृ सदन का संघर्ष जारी रहेगा।
मातृ सदन के दो संत अभी भी अनशन पर हैं, साध्वी पद्मावती कुछ बोल न पाने की स्थिति में अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संसथान, दिल्ली में व स्वामी शिवानंद मातृ सदन हरिद्वार में। किन्तु सरकार उनकी मांगों पर ध्यान नहीं दे रही है, बल्कि कहा जाये तो सरकार उनके अनशन को नज़रअंदाज़ कर रही है जैसे पहले उसने स्वामी सानंद और स्वामी निगमानंद के अनशन को नज़रअंदाज़ किया।
During the hearing petitioner Dr Lubna Sarwath argued that the Supreme Court, had with due respect for nature and for the law, ordered and had got executed the demolition of Maradu highrises in Kerala, and that the construction inside Mamasani Kunta is not even as high as Maradu flats.
The National Water Mission “directs the concerned authorities of the State of Telangana to put up a reply within ten days of the receipt of this letter illustrating a thorough evaluation of the merit of the complaint filed by Dr Lubna, et al.”
Sadhvi Padmavati, age 23, who has been fasting for over 45 days as part of a campaign to protect the Ganga river from environmental destruction, was arrested in the middle of the night and mentally and verbally abused by the police on 30th January 2020.
The water-body in Puppulguda V, Rajendranagar M, RR District is cut through by the ORR and the remaining water body is occupied by Pride Honda and highrises.
We urge your august office to take urgent cognizance of our representation and direct the government of Telangana to immediately stop the ongoing landfill.
Subject: Hussain Sagar territory being seriously compromised. HMDA-GHMC-NTD, Lake Protection Committee State / Hyderabad District Collector / Khairatabad Thasildar /Corporator / MLA / MP preside over the destruction of Hussain Sagar