Hyderabad 20 May 2021
The Mayor
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Subject: Commissioner Civil Supplies, Telangana and RR District Civil supplies informs us on call that Food Security Cards are not being issued as policy decision. Grievance registered for immediate release of FSC for FSC APPLICATION FSC021902461113 DT 6.8.2019.
Reference: Our tweet of 20 May 2021; Email of 12 May 2021; Grievance no. 214813816 of 3 May 2021; Unanswered calls to Commissioner, CS; RR District CS; Letter from Grievance Official to RR District Civil Supplies dated 6 May 2021 asking RR District CS to issue FSC immediately.
We are appalled at the gross dereliction of duty in discharging the fundamental constitutional duty of food security of the citizens of Hyderabad/Telangana.
The Civil Supplies Commissioner did not realize the gravity of the statement when he told over call that its policy decision not to issue Food Security Cards. I hope you wud agree that it cannot be a policy decision to keep people hungry and not give food security cards in spite of they being eligible for it.
This is also to notify you for your prompt remedial action that email ids on civil supplies website and on grievance redressal are not functional. this was also told to joint secretary civil supplies.
We also draw your prompt attention that there are thousands of FSC applications pending in all districts of Telangana which means all districts of GHMC.

We trust your action on war footing. I am sure you as a first citizen of GHMC would not like to have your citizens feel the pinch of inability to purchase food in spite of they being eligible for Food Security Card.
We feel sorry that we lack at such basic things for our citizens.
Dr Lubna Sarwath
Socialist Party (India) Telangana State General Secretary