SPI protests against Gauri Lankesh Murder.

Socialists Party (India) Maharashtra Unit organized a protest in Pune, Maharashtra against the brutal murder of defiant journalist Gauri Lankesh who wrote extensively against raising intollerence by fascist forces. Neeraj Jain (National Executive member of the party), Alka Joshi (SPI Maharashtra State general Secretory), Santosh Mhaske (Pune city president), Shrikrishna Kulkarni (Pune city Secretory) and […]

Press release: Murder of Gauri Lankesh is another horrific act of capitalist-communal nexus

The Socialist Party strongly condemns the murder of Gauri Lankesh, activist and editor of  ‘Lankesh Patrika’. The party calls upon the state and the central government to arrest and sentence the killers of Gauri Lankesh at the earliest. The Socialist Party believes that the killing of intellectuals, writers, journalists and political activists is being committed […]

Resolution adopted in the seminar on ‘Justice Sachar Committee Report : A Review After 10 Years’

Resolution adopted in the seminar on ‘Justice Sachar Committee Report : A Review After 10 Years’

Resolution (Adopted in the seminar on ‘Justice Sachar Committee Report : A Review After 10 Years’) The Sachar Committee, headed by Justice Rajindar Sachar, was constituted in 2005 by the then Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh to prepare a report about social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community in the country. […]

राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव

सोशलिस्‍ट पार्टी (इंडिया) चौथा राष्‍ट्रीय सम्‍मेलन 14-15 नवंबर 2016 स्‍थान गंगाप्रसाद मेमोरियल हाल, लोकबंधु राजनारायण नगर, लखनऊ  राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव देश में लोकसभा चुनाव हों या राज्यों की विधानसभाओं के चुनाव, ज्‍यादातर स्थापित राजनीतिक दल किसी भी तरह देश की सत्ता पर काबिज होने की होड़ लगाते हैं। झूठे वायदों, व्यक्तिगत आरोप-प्रत्यारोप, सांप्रदायिक उन्माद, जातिवाद, भाषावाद, […]