सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा का उत्तर प्रदेश सम्मेलन
सोशलिस्ट पार्टी इंडिया की युवा इकाई सोशलिस्ट युवजन सभा द्वारा युवा और महिला अधिकार सम्मेलन का आयोजन महात्मा गांधी हाई स्कूल, बिल्लारी, मुरादाबाद में आयोजित किया गया । युवा और महिला अधिकारों को लेकर आयोजित किए गए इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि सोशलिस्ट पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया के राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष और रमन मैग्सेसे पुरस्कार से सम्मानित […]

Shame for the Country : Bilkis got Cheated | Sandeep Ke Sawal
Dr Sandeep Pandey and Anandvardhan Singh condemn the remission of sentence in the horrific and ‘rarest of rare’ Bilkis Bano case.

Dr Sandeep Pandey on Delhi’s excise policy
Dr Sandeep Pandey shares his views on the controversy regarding Delhi’s excise policy, the deviations of AAP from the values of the ‘India against Corruption’ movement, and BJP’s attempt to destabilise the non-BJP elected state governments.

Dr Sandeep Pandey talks at an event “Azamgarh Ke Sitaare” in 2021
Dr Sandeep Pandey talks about the kind of citizenry that the society is nurturing at an event “Azamgarh Ke Sitaare” in 2021

UP के Balia में पत्रकारों के समर्थन में उतरे Magsaysay Award से सम्मानित Sandeep Pandey – YouTube
Media is the fourth pillar of democracy and an independent media is crucial to limit the arbitrary power of the executive.

हिंदुत्व के राज में गंगा के लिए 5 साधुओं की मौत | Under Hindutva Rule, 5 Saints Dead Due To Their Efforts To Save the Ganga
Several Sadhus from Matri Sadan Ashram in Haridwar have sat on hunger strikes to save the Ganga from environmental degradation. Since 2014, two Sadhus have died because of hunger strikes, and one is missing.

Why Are Sadhus On A Fast to Save The Ganga?
Discussion on the protest movement by the seers of Matri Sadan to save the Ganga river from environmental destruction.