हमीदा बानू-अनिल चोपड़ा अंतर्जातीय व अंतर्धार्मिक युगल सम्मान, 27 फरवरी, 2025

हमीदा बानू-अनिल चोपड़ा अंतर्जातीय व अंतर्धार्मिक युगल सम्मान, 27 फरवरी, 2025

आज मोती महल, लखनऊ में आयोजित इस कार्यक्रम में निम्नलिखित युगल सम्मानित किए गए। 1.ज्योत्सना कौर हबीबुल्लाह व अमर हबीबुल्लाहः अमर हबीबुल्लाह अमरीका से लौटे थे तो दिल्ली में ज्योत्सना कौर से दोस्तों के जरिए मुलाकात हुई, फिर 2003 में शादी हुई। दोनों दिल्ली के सेण्ट स्टीफेंस कालेज से पढ़े जहां अमर ज्योत्सना से 4 […]

National Committee meetings, 18-19  March, 2023, Bengaluru

National Committee meetings, 18-19  March, 2023, Bengaluru The following members were present: 1. Advocate Thampan Thomas, President 2. Sandeep Pandey, General Secretary 3. S. Nurul Amin, GS 4. Harinder Manshahia, GS 5. Faisal Khan, Secretary 6. Thanjai Ilansingam, TN 7. Vijendra Kumar, Bihar 8. Surekha Adam, Maharashtra 9. AppasahabYaranal, Karnataka 10. Manoj Sarang, Spokesperson 11. Shyam […]

Debauchery of the RSS top brass as narrated by insider Balraj Madhok 

Madhok despite his busy life as politician was an indefatigable writer too, and is known for his controversial political writings. In fact, he was mainly responsible for articulat¬ing the Hindutva’s ideological response to the problem of minorities specially Muslims by propounding the theory of ‘Indianization’ in 1969. http://epaper.kashmirtimes.com/epaperadmin/photos/large/37252246620225325.jpeg

Why the Supreme Court now thinks it was wrong on pitting merit against reservations

Dominant castes can’t digest Dalit progress. It’s why they attack reservation with propaganda: Anurag Bhaskar 26 January, 2022 https://theprint.in/opinion/dominant-castes-cant-digest-dalit-progress-its-why-they-attack-reservation-with-propaganda/812617/According to a paper published by Brandeis University, challenges to reservation best represent the attack on the Dalit revolution.  Before his death, Ambedkar had proposed to write a detailed treatise with the title Revolution and Counter-Revolution in […]

Prem Singh

Prem Singh

Former President, SP(I) Dr. Prem Singh, a prolific writer, critic and journalist, has been active in the socialist movement from his student days. He worked as joint editor of Hindi monthly Naya Sangharsh, a renewed edition of Sangharsh, founded by Acharya Narendra Deva, father of Indian socialism. He has edited a book on life, works […]