We appeal for removal of highrises, buildings, constructions in the FTL & buffer zone boundary, prominent of which are identified and placed in our petition. We appeal for restoration of the lake and its hydrology.

We appeal for removal of highrises, buildings, constructions in the FTL & buffer zone boundary, prominent of which are identified and placed in our petition. We appeal for restoration of the lake and its hydrology.
It is observed that CVs of only three Information Commissioners are available on website and CVs of remaining three Information Commissioners are not uploaded on the website http://tsic.gov.in/profileics.do
Lake at Mehdipatnam trespassed, not restored. Lake turns puddle in spite of heavy rains. Representations not heeded to evict encroachments & desilt for restoration of storage capacity and area of notified lake.
We have been told by senior officials that both reservoirs have been designed to take 2 times more than their catchment capacity. In which case and even otherwise, with the twin reservoirs not at their full storage levels, there should be no need to open the gates.
Both proposals aim to obtain environmental clearance by misrepresentation, hiding vital facts, will cause damage to the health and environment of Hyderabad.
What happened when contesting candidate from Karwan assembly asked the officials at Polling Station-75, Karwan AC, to comply with rule and check veiled women’s photo electoral identity by a women officer as laid down in the election rules?
Our digital online survey of Lakaram lake, Khammam Mandal, Khammam District, Telangana reveals shocking contraction of the lake and its division into two by road laying and multiple encroachments from all sides.
We the undersigned Hyderabadi women have passed a resolution that the five acres allotted for masjid as per Supreme Court order of 9 November 2019 be utilized for women’s education for all Indian girls and women irrespective of religion, caste, region or ethnicity who are from the Below Poverty Line class.
Please redress the grievance of basic facilities for health workers at Prathima Medical College, Karimnagar and streamline the system on a war footing. Please counsel our young health workers so that they feel confident.
It is with deep sorrow and with strong memories of resolute and sincere activist Shri Kunchala Chidambaram garu, that we collectively condole with his bereaved family. Chidambaram garu passed away yesterday 9 July 2020. Chidambaram garu was one of the SOUL water bodies champions felicitated in June 2013 on SOUL formation day.