Peaceful protest in Telangana to make Education and equaliser by implementing Section 12 (1) (c) of the Right to Education Act In Telangana.

Peaceful protest in Telangana to make Education and equaliser by implementing Section 12 (1) (c) of the Right to Education Act In Telangana.
Subject: Contempt of CPCB guidelines by GHMC/Police Department/HMDA by polluting water bodies through immersion of Idols – Government agencies spending huge money to pollute water bodies and Hussain Sagar even as there is case NGT OA 85/2015 running in NGT SZ Chennai against pollution of Hussain Sagar.
From 2013-2017 more than 30 crores have been spent to pollute the Hussain Sagar and other lakes in Hyderabad through the immersion of idols.
Rahul Reddy Bikka | “She believes in empowering locals on the waterbodies with requisite knowledge on how to tackle bureaucracy and ways to litigate the issues.”
Opposition parties cannot be silent on injustice and the right to education being denied to women.
Please include Garment Technology, Hotel Management, Architecture, and Pharmacy as aided courses at KNPW.
The prestigious Kamala Nehru Polytechnic college for Women at Exhibition grounds Hyderabad has been de-listed from the colleges for the polytechnic courses from the academic year 2021-22.
We find an unpardonable dereliction of duty in the issuance of FTL boundary maps of the Osman Sagar Drinking water reservoir.
It is observed that the area of the drinking water reservoir Osman Sagar has been reduced by Acres 296.38 Guntas, thus severely compromising the holding capacity of the reservoir.
The scars of the disaster that befell the public of our country due to irresponsible permissions of Kumbh Mela and election rally gatherings are not to be forgotten.