The Rail Budget (2014-2015) presented today by the Railway Minister Shri Shadanand Gowda can be described in brief as essentially anti-poor. The unprecedented hike – 14% – in the fares will burden basically the large segment of the poor of the country. There are no concessional provisions for students and unemployed in the budget who […]
National Executive Committee Meeting Press Release: Socialist Party is committed to Public Sector and Article 370
Will hold a public awareness campaign about Education, Water, Electoral Reforms and Betterment of Minorities The two-day national executive committee meeting of the Socialist Party held in Delhi under the chairmanship of the party’s president Bhai Vaidya, a veteran socialist and former Home Minister of Maharashtra. In the meeting, the results of the Lok Sabha […]
Appeal for Justice for Prashant Rahi and His Co-Accused.
We, The Students of IIT-BHU were deeply shocked by the conspired and vindictive arrest of Prashant Rahi, our alumnus, a social activist and journalist by police and the State. The brutal torture and devious treatment done to Prashant Rahi was in gross violation of human rights and dignity. Whats more saddening is that it is […]
List of Constitutencies and Candidates of Socialist Party (India) from UP for 2014 General Elections
1. Amethi – Gangesh Gupta 2. Bahraich – Ramdhiraj Rao 3. Ballia – Chinta Devi 4. Banda – Chandrashekhar Singh 5. Ghaziabad – Virendra Singh Sirohi 6. Gonda – Rajesh Maurya 7. Kanpur – Shankar Singh 8. Kushinagar – Gowardhan Gond 9. Lakhimpur Khiri – Ankit Gupta 10. Mishrikh – Harnam 11. Muzaffarnagar – Shandar […]
Prices of daily use commodities are rising. Unemployment is increasing. Corruption is rampant. Gap between the rich and the poor is widening; as also between cities and villages and between the metro centers and vast rural areas. Environment is being polluted contributing to global warming. Violence of the state as of the criminals and the […]

National Executive Meeting Held in Delhi
The national executive meeting held on 21-22 December 2013 in Delhi was presided over by Bhai Vaidya and attended by delegates from 15 states. After passing the minutes of the last national executive meeting and presentation of progress reports of various states, results of 5 state assembly elections were discussed and analysed. Making an elaborate […]
Message to India’s Young People.
Dear Yuva Saathi, Our country is going through a very dark phase. None of the present political parties have willpower and vision to change this. The Congress government has imposed Market Smriti on our country and BJP is dreaming to impose Manusmriti through Modi. The only ray of hope is today’s youth, intelligent, dynamic, daring […]
Axing Norms for FDI in Retail a Total Sell-Out to Global Multi-Brand Retail Companies.
By axing the laid down norms carved out to protect the interests of the retail traders the UPA government has thrown open the Indian retail sector to the loot for the global multi-brand retail companies. The Socialist Party strongly opposes the decision and appeals the opposition parties, including the prime opposition party BJP, to protest […]

We Welcome Telangana, But With a Word of Caution.
The Socialist Party welcomes the formation of Telngana state and congratulates its people. The party believes that there has been a geographical, cultural, political, economic and administrative justification behind the demand for separate Telangana state. It has been a demand based on peoples’ genuine will. The people of Telangana region made a long struggle for […]

Formation of Bihar Unit of the Socialist Party
A meeting of members of the Socialist Party held in Patna on 10-11 March 2013 to form the Bihar unit of the Socialist Party. After due deliberations, Dr. Sushil Kumar was nominated as the president, Ranjeet Mandal as the senior vice president, Dr. Bhanu Udayan as the general secretary and Ashok Kumar Thakur as the […]