Memorial Meeting Senior Socialist leader and freedom fighter Bhai Vaidya passed away on 2 April 2018 in Poona Hospital, Poona at the age of 90. He was suffering from cancer. His funeral took place on 3 April in Poona. The Socialist Party has organized a memorial meeting in Delhi to pay homage […]

SPI celebrates Freedom week 9 August to 15 Augusts.
Like past two years, this year also Socialist Party (India) Pune Unit celebrates Freedom Week from 9 August to 15 Augusts. 9 August is proudly celebrated as Quit India Day or Kranti Diwas across India. This year on 9th August, the great leap of our freedom Struggle, Quit India Movement, completed 75 years. On this […]
4th National Convention
Socialist Party (India) Central Office 41/557 Lohia Mazdur Bhawan, Dr. Tufail Ahmad Marg, Narahi, Lucknow – 226001 Phone: 0522-2286423 Delhi Office 11 Rajpur Road, Delhi – 110054 Phone/Fax : 011-23972745 Email: Web : Blog: 25 October 2016 Dear comrade The 4th National Convention of Socialist Party (India) will be held in Lucknow […]
Meeting to discuss use of social media for promotion of Socialist Party (India) in view of forthcoming Vidhan Sabha elections
Meeting to discuss use of social media for promotion of Socialist Party (India) in view of forthcoming Vidhan Sabha elections 22 May, 2016, Sunday 4-6 pm Lohia Mazdoor Bhawan, 41/557 Tufail Ahmed Marg, Narhi, Hazratganj, Lucknow-226001 Contact: 0522 2286423 Sharad Patel, President, Socialist Chattra Sabha, 9506533722 Hafeez Kidwai, President, Socialist Yuvjan Sabha, 9795020932 Pawan Singh […]
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Birth Anniversary Programme
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Birth Anniversary Programme Main Speaker: Satyadev Tripathi, former UP Govt. Minister Chair: Advocate Mohammed Shoaib, Vice President, Socialist Party (India) 27 March, 2016 Sunday 4-5 pm Lohia Mazdoor Bhawan, 41/557 Tufail Ahmed Marg, Narhi, Hazratganj, Lucknow-226001 Contact: 0522 2286423 Hafeez Kidwai, President, Acharya Narendra Dev Yuvjan Sabha, U.P., 9795020932 Sharad Patel, […]
Preporatory Meeting For UP Vidhan Sabha Election
PREPARATORY MEETING FOR UP VIDHAN SABHA ELECTIONS Socialist Party (India) activists and potential candidates for the 2017 UP Assembly elections are invited to attend a meeting to discuss our preparations. As already announced Socialist Party (India) is going to contest the election on the issue of liquor ban with half women candidates. Dates and days: […]
दिल जोड़ो सत्याग्रह
( साम्प्रदायिकता की पोल खोल अभियान ) ( डांडी दिवस 12,मार्च से नमक सत्याग्रह 6,अप्रैल तक ) दोस्तों , साम्प्रदायिक लोग अपने हथियार के तौर पर सबसे ज़्यादा धर्म का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जबकि हक़ीक़त में इनका धर्म से दूर दूर तक कोई लेना देना नहीं होता . ये लोग धर्म का दुरूपयोग करते हैं […]
Socialist Party (India) Meeting to Discuss UP Vidhan Sabha Elections in 2017 (28th February)
Dear Friends, A meeting has been organised on 28/2/16, Sunday, to discuss the participation of Socialist Party (India) in UP Vidhan Sabha elections scheduled to be held in 2017. All state executive committee members and district presidents are expected to attend this meeting. Date and day: 28 February, 2016, Sunday Time: 11 am to 4 […]
Socialist Party (India) to honour Richa Singh, President of Allahabad University Students’ Union (8 February, 2016)
Socialist Party (India) will be honouring Richa Singh, President of Allahabad University Students’ Union, at Swaraj Vidyapeeth, opposite women’s hostel of Allahabad University on 8 February, 2016, Monday between 3 and 4 pm for her role in fighting communalism. Sandeep Pandey, National Vice-President, Socialist Party (India)
रोहित वेमुला की आत्महत्या और डॉ. संदीप पाण्डेय पर झूठा आरोप लगाकर निष्काषित करने के विरोध में दिनांक 30 जनवरी, 2016 को प्रदर्शन
साथियों, सादर नमस्कार। साथियों, देश में हो रहे शिक्षा के साम्प्रदायीकरण, हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय के दलित छात्र रोहित वेमुला की आत्महत्या और डॉ. संदीप पाण्डेय पर झूठा आरोप लगाकर बनारस हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय से निष्काषित करने के विरोध में दिनांक 30 जनवरी, 2016 को जनपद लखनऊ के हज़रतगंज में गांधी प्रतिमा पर 11:00 बजे प्रातः प्रदर्शन होगा। […]