Sandeep Pandey | An important reason why the law and order has crumbled in UP is because the government was busy targeting its political opponents by lodging false cases against them.
आखिर उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार क्यों असुरक्षित महसूस कर रही है?
संदीप पाण्डेय | भारतीय जनता पार्टी की उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार को आखिर इतना नीचे क्यों गिरना पड़ा कि उसे आम आदमी पार्टी के लखनऊ कार्यालय में अपनी पुलिस से ताला लगवा दिया। उ.प्र. भाजपा सरकार की असुरक्षा का क्या कारण है?
People’s Manifesto on Social Justice and Human Rights
Sandeep Pandey, Shreekumar, Shiva Shankar, R Ramachandran, Lubna Sarwath, Mansee Bal Bhargava and Rajeev Yadav
| Equality, Liberty and Justice lay the foundation of the Indian Constitution for the citizens of India. Looking beyond the Indian Constitution document’s explicit mention of these values, the real picture on the ground is different
The Angst of August: Reading The Recent Political History of India
Anil Nauriya | Lest we be swept off our feet by the self-fulfilling prophecy of long-term Hindutva rule, it is useful to bear some points in mind. It is essential not to be intimidated by Hindutva. All those who voted for the BJP in 2014 and 2019 cannot be lumped together within the meaning of “political Hindu”.
Extract from ‘The Untouchables and the Pax Britannica’ by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr BR Ambedkar | Not only did the Untouchables enable the British to conquer India, they enabled the British to retain it.
A Tragic Case of Crushed Civil Liberties in Hong Kong: Countering China’s Growing Authoritarianism via Collective World Action
Archita Srivastava | With the implementation of a law that aims to silence dissent, the state has acted with heightened impunity by arresting numerous protestors, outlawing any slogan or banner that criticises the Chinese government or demands liberation.
The Destruction of a Historic Party: Understanding Kashmir and the National Conference Experience
Anil Nauriya | Although there is widespread invocation of the “wishes of the Kashmiri people”, the fact is that the political groups which have traditionally represented political opinion in Kashmir have been systematically targetted in terrorist violence. Of these, the primary target has been the National Conference.
Commemorations of the Bhima Koregaon Battle Are a Reminder that Colonialism in India Predates the Arrival of the British
Surabhi Agarwal | By failing to acknowledge the rebellions, dissensions and everyday forms of resistance mounted by Dalit, Bahujan and Adivasi people against a system which refuses to grant them the dignity and respect they deserve, our media and education system only strengthen casteism.
Decoding the Agenda of the New National Education Policy
Anil Sadgopal | The cynical assault by the Central government on the federal structure, sanctified by the Constitution, is now an integral feature of the NEP. The greed of edu-tech companies for the huge market that online examinations would open fits with the Central government’s alignment with neoliberal capital, not the people of India.
New Education Policy: A Rehash of Old Ideas
Sandeep Pandey and Praveen Srivastava | The Bhartiya Janata Party government did what it is best at in announcing the New Education Policy – high on publicity, low in content, with the country’s Environment Minister taking the centre stage and Human Resources Minister, now rechristened as Education Minister, playing second fiddle.