Abhay Jain and Sandeep Pandey | As Covid consumes human life in a very conspicuous way we are confronted with additional problem of disposing off human corpses.

Abhay Jain and Sandeep Pandey | As Covid consumes human life in a very conspicuous way we are confronted with additional problem of disposing off human corpses.
Anandi Pandey and Sandeep Pandey | Palestinians have shown tremendous resilience over the years. They are known to rebuild structures devastated by Israeli attacks within days.
पहले दौर में जो झटके लगे उनसे सबक सीख कर सरकार को चाहिए था कि अस्पतालों में पर्याप्त संख्या में बेड उपलब्ध रहें
बाॅबी रमाकांत एवं संदीप पाण्डेय | भाजपा के नेता संकट काल में भी साम्प्रदायिक राजनीति करने से बाज नहीं आ रहे।
This article was originally published in the Mainstream By Anil Nauriya I would like to highlight a few considerations from a political and Constitutional angle. Perhaps these would strike a chord also with Democratic Socialists of various persuasions. There needs to be National Mourning until the current public health crisis lasts. This would emphasise in […]
Sandeep Pandey and Divesh Ranjan | The popular sentiment was to see a force capable of dislodging BJP from power and Akhil Gogoi was seen as a natural choice of such a movement being the most prominent face of anti-CAA protests, even since the Bill was conceived.
Shobha Shukla, Bobby Ramakant and Sandeep Pandey | Narendra Modi once said he is a Gujarati and understands business. As time passes his business model is getting exposed and he is becoming more shameless like any ordinary businessman.
Harshavardhan Purandare and Sandeep Pandey | India’s premature declaration of victory against the coronavirus has proven to be counterproductive. The second wave of the pandemic has caught us unawares.
Bobby Ramakant and Sandeep Pandey | We have always advocated for nationalization of health care system. The logic for it cannot be understood any better than in times of Covid crisis.
बाॅबी रमाकांत एवं संदीप पाण्डेय | जबकि भारतीय जनता पार्टी के शीर्ष नेतृत्व का सारा घ्यान पश्चिम बंगाल, असम व उत्तर प्रदेश के पंचायत चुनावों में लगा हुआ था अचानक देश कोरोना वायरस के दूसरे प्रकोप का शिकार हो गया।