Statement on the End of My Contract at IIT-BHU

Statement on the End of My Contract at IIT-BHU

By Sandeep Pandey My contract at IIT, BHU Varanasi as a visiting faculty has prematurely ended after teaching there for 2.5 years due to a decision of Board of Governors. In a recent Board meeting the Vice Chancellor of BHU, who was made the Chairman of IIT BoG by Minister of HRD, GoI, bypassing the […]

How Fair is the Death Penalty?

by Sandeep Pandey After spending three years in a child reform home, release of one of the culprits in the Nirbhaya rape case, who happened to be a juvenile at the time of crime, the public demonstrations in which parents of Nirbhaya also participated forced the Parliament to change the Juvenile Justice Act. In the […]

भविष्य के धार्मिक स्थलों का नमूना होगा अयोध्या का प्रस्तावित सर्व धर्म सद्भाव केन्द्र

भविष्य के धार्मिक स्थलों का नमूना होगा अयोध्या का प्रस्तावित सर्व धर्म सद्भाव केन्द्र

भारत सरकार के भूतपूर्व कैबिनेट सचिव स्व. जफर सैफुल्लाह की पहल पर स्थापित सर्व धर्म सद्भाव केन्द्र न्यास अयोध्या में एक सर्व धर्म सद्भाव केन्द्र का सृजन करेगा जिसमें दुनिया के किसी भी विचार को मानने वाले, यहां तक कि नास्तिक, का भी स्वागत रहेगा। इस केन्द्र का स्थल अयोध्या में राम जानकी मंदिर, सरयू […]

संविधान पर चर्चा तथ्‍य–तर्क सम्‍मत हो

– प्रेम सिंह संविधान दिवस 26 नवंबर को संविधान के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता विषय पर प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के भाषण की हिंदी के कथाकार उदय प्रकाश ने भूरी-भूरी प्रशंसा की है। उदय प्रकाश ने मोदी के साथ वाजपेयी को भी याद किया है, जिनकी जुमलेबाजी की प्रवृत्ति पर संविधान और संसदीय प्रणाली व प्रक्रियाओं के गहरे […]

What Does Historical Change in Education Mean?

What Does Historical Change in Education Mean?

by Sandeep Pandey  Recently the Delhi government has placed full page advertisements in newspapers claiming that it is going to effect historical changes in education policy. What are these changes? First, they are going to get accounts of private schools audited to ensure that the fees being collected from students is spent on them. They […]

Fall of Tinsel God

Fall of Tinsel God

by Rajinder Sachar The mighty have fallen and the denouement fits perfectly with the rout of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the recent elections to the Bihar Assembly. To any analyst it had appeared as though it was going to be a close fight; it is no secret that progressive forces represented by academics, writers […]