Pannalal Surana | Our honourable Prime Minister would do well to remember that the devil is hidden in the details. If we streamline our administration and take firm steps to raise the incomes of our farmers and other toiling masses so that more purchasing power reaches their hands and boosts demand in indigenous markets, the investors will come here willingly.
Despite Government Claims, Migrants Continue to be Vulnerable and Abandoned
by Arundhati Dhuru and Sandeep Pandey | Hardly anybody got paid for the period of lockdown, despite the appeal by the prime minister. About 20 per cent of them also have payments worth more than 7.5 lakh in salaries and wages pending for work done earlier. Overall, the workers stare at a bleak future.
भारत-चीन सीमा निर्धारण की तिथी तय करो
पन्नालाल सुराणा | युध्द यह विवाद हल करने का तरिका नहीं होता. उसके लिए बातचीत ही करनी होती है. युध्द बहुत विनाशकारी होते हैं. चीन और भारत दोनों अण्वस्त्रधारी हैं. युध्द में उस अस्त्र का प्रयोग करना बड़ा खतरनाक है. अणु बम पहले किसने फेका इसका कोई माने नहीं रहता उससे जो विध्वंस होगा वह अपने दोनों और साथ-साथ कई पड़ोसी देशों को भी बहुत दहलानेवाला होगा. इसलिए युध्द के विकल्प का हम विचार न करें.
Political Vendetta Sole Explanation for Varavara Rao’s Incarceration
Surabhi Agarwal and Sandeep Pandey | The persecution of Rao under the Modi regime comes, of course, as no surprise. Writers and poets have always been at the forefront of political dissent under authoritarian and autocratic governments and are always among the first voices to be suppressed during such times.
Is Bad Politics Overshadowing the Science of COVID-19 Vaccine Research?
Shobha Shukla, Bobby Ramakant, Sandeep Pandey | Why did ICMR, knowing very well that it is fundamentally unethical to pre-determine research outcomes and also that it is principally impossible to do a robust clinical trial in 5-6 weeks, try to force researchers to begin and finish research and make a vaccine available for “public health use” by Independence Day?
अति-राष्ट्रवाद और बदले की भावना उकसाने की राजनीति का परिणाम
संदीप पाण्डेय | 1962 के युद्ध के बाद पहली बार भारत-चीन सीमा, जो असल में भारत-तिब्बत सीमा है परन्तु तिब्बत पर 1951 से चीन का कब्जा चला आ रहा है, पर कोई भारतीय सैनिक शहीद हुआ। भारत और चीन के बीच बकायदा लिखित समझौता था कि उनके सैनिक एक-दूसरे पर गोली नहीं चालाएंगे।
Akhil Gogoi: A Peasant Leader Jailed for Supporting the Poor and Oppressed
Atul and Sandeep Pandey | Akhil Gogoi – a peasant leader and Right to Information activist from Assam has been in jail since December 2019. His crime is that he exercised his fundamental right of speech and expression by protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
When Will We Have Equitable Access to Fruits of Development?
Sandeep Pandey and Kushagra Kumar | The lackadaisical attitude in our society towards pregnancy, which is important for the health of mother as well as the yet to be born child for his/her remaining life, is obvious from the number of child births which took place on trains while migrant workers were returning home on Shramik special trains during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Purpose of Making Nagaland Governor’s Letter to CM Public?
Sandeep Pandey | The purpose of writing such a sensitive letter to CM now, which managed to make it to the public domain is unclear. It is either an expression of frustration with the local multiple forces, including the elected government, realising that the situation is beyond redemption. Else, it could also be a pre-emptive attempt to abdicate responsibility, especially if some untoward incident happens.
The Law of Sedition: Endangering the Very Idea of an Inclusive Democracy
Atul and Sandeep Pandey | It is unfortunate that even after India became independent, this draconian law has not only survived in the statutes books but also thrived through frequent misuse. It is high time the government must review it through amendment or repeal it altogether.