Community Kitchen in Madiyaon, Lucknow
Dear Friends,
Socialist Party (India) is actively working towards providing relief to low income communities during the Covid 19 pandemic. The main focus of the relief work is providing food security to the most marginalised sections of the society i.e the daily wage workers, homeless on streets, shelter homes and patients or their caretakers.
The relief efforts in Lucknow is lead by Salman Raini, General Secretary of ‘Young Farmers Traders Fruits and Vegetables Business Association,’ Dubagga, Lucknow and also the Lucknow District President of Socialist Party (India). His team is selling vegetables at subsidised rates in low income communities, and distributing it for free to families that cant afford to pay even the subsidised amounts.
The team has now decided to start 4 community kitchens in Lucknow – Dubbaga (2), Madiyaon, Gosainganj. The cost of running these kitchens are around Rs. 2000 per day per kitchen. We are looking to raise funds to be able to run the community kitchens for the month of April.
To support the initiative, you can make financial contribution to the bank account:
A/c Name: Raini Fruit Company,
A/c no.: 104705002387,
IFSC: ICIC0001047

The Madiyaon kitchen is already functional and distributed meals to about 80 people today.
To find out other ways in which you can contribute to the relief efforts, please write to or call +91 9335281976, 9198379619
Let hunger not kill more people than COVID-19. Together we can win.