This is an open invite, calling Individuals/Experts/Scientists/Activists/Political parties/NGOs and all, for contributions at Round table brain-storming on ‘Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad’.

This is an open invite, calling Individuals/Experts/Scientists/Activists/Political parties/NGOs and all, for contributions at Round table brain-storming on ‘Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad’.
We have been representing you consistently from 2015 onwards against your squandering public money for your personal religious preferences.
On 2 February, 2021 a 243-page Election Petition has filed before Election Tribunal at City Civil Court, Purani Haveli, Hyderabad, by Independent Contested candidate with prayer to declare the GHMC Ward no 72- Asifngar Ward election as ‘wholly void'(Sec 77 of GHMC Act 1955), as it violated ‘on-compliance with the provisions of the Constitution.
Cancel the CFE dated 9 Sep 2020 and any subsequent amendment CFEs (not in public domain) issued to project ‘Secretariat Complex of Telangana state government by R&B department at Saifabad, Near Necklace Road, Khairathabad, Hyderbad’
On 5 November 2020 2 RTI applications were filed seeking information within 48 hours , from High Court Hyderabad regarding number of and details of cases pending on water bodies encroachment/pollution.
Submitted to SHRC, Hyderabad in hearing on 22 December 2020. Public hearing needed on all lakes of GHMC.
Dr Sarwath speaks at the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) Election Candidates’ Forum organized by Indian American Forum.
by Sandeep Pandey, Venkatesh Narayanan, Kushagra Kumar | GHMC Election Candidate Lubna Sarwath has dedicated her life to the cause of environment, specifically preservation of waterbodies.
I reiterate my demand to give me a purified and authenticated list by conducting a de novo process, viz., fresh enumeration of voter list in Asifnagar ward.
As glaring fraudulence has been observed in the voter list given to me, the contesting candidate from Asifnagar GHMC ward , I have urged and once again urge the State Election Commission to postpone the election.