Let’s Talk Socialism Camp Kandikhal Report


A five-Day Camp to Understand Socialism in the Indian Context

24 June – 28 June, 2024, Kandikhal, Uttarakhand.

The Let’s Socialism Camp was a five day camp, which attempted to understand the issues being faced by us and our society, through the socialist framework. 21 sessions across five days were organised as part of this residential camp. These sessions included -activities, lectures, film screenings and songs among other creative ways of engaging with ideas of how to work together, towards a better world. We present below a brief summary of the various sessions. If you feel this is an interesting camp, please do recommend the next camp to your friends and family who are bothered by the way society is today. Our next course is in Bhubhneshwar, from 6th to 10th January, 2025.


Session 1Registration and Introduction. 2

Session 2 Concept of Socialism.. 2

Session 3 Socialists and the Freedom Movement 2

DAY 2 – 25th June. 2

Session 4 Caste and Tribal Identity and Socialism.. 2

Session 5 Social Movement and the Agrarian Crisis. 2

Session 6 feminism and Socialism.. 3

Session 7 Undesratding the ‘isms’ -1. 3

DAY 3 – 26th June 2024. 3

Session 8 Paying tribute to Sahu ji Maharaj 3

Session 9 Indian Economy – Prsent Crisis and future Direction. 3

Session 10 Environment crisis. 3

Session 11 Theory to Practice. 3

Session 12 Hope for Humanity. 3

Film screening: Rubaru Roshani (Dr: Svati Bhatkal) 3

DAY 4 – 27th June 2024. 3

Session 13 Nationalism, Communalism and Socialism.. 3

Session 14 Bhakti Movement 4

Session 15 Relevance of Socialism in today’s times. 4

Session 16 Understanding the ‘isms’ – 2. 4

Session 17 (optional) Presnting a critique of Socialism and Socialist Icons. 4

Session 18 Media in India. 4

Session 19 Socialism of the future. 4

DAY 5 – 28th June 2024. 4

Session 20 Feedback. 4

Session 21 Future of Socialism – There is an alternative! 4

DAY 1 24thJune

Session 1Registration and Introduction

Facilitation – Mahesh, Gopalkrishna, Kamayani, Ritu

The course on socialism introduced participants, who registered, filled out an assessment form, and were given a root to write about the foundation of socialism.

Session 2 Concept of Socialism

Resource Person – Adv Anil Nauriya

Adv Anil Nauriya discussed the concept of socialism in the Indian freedom movement, highlighting its role in nationalism and mobilizing people. He also highlighted Nehru’s visit to Russia and the farmers’ movement’s involvement in freedom movement under the Congress.

Session 3 Socialists and the Freedom Movement

Resource Person- Dr Sunilam

Dr.Sunilam highlighted socialists’ role in Quit India movement, emphasizing August Kranti Day as more important than 15th August. Lohia and Limaye played key roles in Goa liberation from the Portugal, which was considered most autocratic after Hitler.

DAY 2 – 25th June

Facilitators – Bhanwar, kamayani, Ritu, Mahesh, Rajeev Yadav, Jabar Singh

The day started with the “privilege/ power walk”

Session 4 Caste and Tribal Identity and Socialism

Resource Persons- Jabar Singh, Bhanwar Meghvanshi, Hiralal Katara, and Niya Tapo

They discussed Dalit issues, caste politics, and socialist vision. Hiralal Katara from Rajasthan and Niya Tapo from Arunachal Pradesh discussed the role of tribal political part in Rajasthan and the alienation of tribals from forests in Arunachal Pradesh, respectively.

Session 5 Social Movement and the Agrarian Crisis

Film screening – Deja vu (AnnaData– by Bedabrata Pain

Resource Person – Dr.Suneelam

Dr.Sunilam discussed the need for a social movement to address the farmers and agrarian crisis during a Deja vu film screening.

Session 6 feminism and Socialism

Resource Persons – Ritu and Kamayani

Narivadi/ feminism is an idea that opposes patriarchal mindsets, equality among men and women, and the establishment of matriarchy. It is not just an idea but an action and activism. Feminists have their families and expect equality of relationships. They challenge the duality of Earth-God and Woman-Man, and advocate for personal and political intervention in marital discords. They also address issues like rape laws and women’s reservation.

Session 7 Undesratding the ‘isms’ -1

Resource Person- Prof Hanumantha

Prof. Hanumantha did the Kannada translation of Acharya Narendra Dev book Political writings on Socialism. He discussed political writings on Socialism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, Anarchism, and Monarchy, reiterating the need for a sociliast democracy.

DAY 3 – 26th June 2024

Session 8 Paying tribute to Sahu ji Maharaj

Resource Person – Rajeev Yadav

Rajeev Yadav commemorates Shahu Maharaj Jayanti, his 150th birth year and stressed on the need to find more icons of the caste movement. He emphasised the need to understand the reservation policy, especially in the aftermath of Rohith Vemula’s death.

Session 9 Indian Economy – Prsent Crisis and future Direction

Resource Person – Prof Arun Kumar

Prof. Arun Kumar, a professor of economics at JNU, discussed the Indian economy since independence and its current state. He led the conversation to understand the alternatives available to us at the macro level.His session elaborated on the concept of LPG (Liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation)

Session 10 Environment crisis

Resource Person – Ravi Chopra

In this session he discussed environmental concerns in Uttarakhand, with a very interesting ppt, detailing the Kedarnath disaster and the Chardhaamyatra.

Session 11 Theory to Practice

Resource Person – Dipankar

Dipankar discussed the importance of transforming theoretical discussions into practical solutions. His session also included the demonstration of a small scale locally produced street light, which uses solar power.

Session 12 Hope for Humanity

Film screening: Rubaru Roshani (Dr: Svati Bhatkal)

The two-hour film screening was followed by a very moving discussion with a panel that included the director Svati Bhatkal, Father Anand and members of the rihai Manch. The first intervention was given to members of the Red Brigade. The discussion builds on compassion and reconciliation, forgiveness and hope for humanity.

DAY 4 – 27th June 2024

Session 13 Nationalism, Communalism and Socialism

Resource Persons – Father Anand, Kripal Singh Mandloi

This was a discussion on nationalism, rise of communalism and the socialist thought. Father Anand talked beautifully about xenophobia, connecting it to misguided nationalism and communism. Kripal talked about how love was natural to human beings and in the present times how communalism was convoluting this natural human state of solidarity. A twenty-minute video from Dr Puniyani was also screened, which he had recorded especially for this session.

Session 14 Bhakti Movement

Resource Persons – Medha

She talked about the world beyond the material world, connecting the achievements of the Bhakti movement saints to theidea of economic equality in this world.

Session 15 Relevance of Socialism in today’s times

Resource Person – Prof. Anand Kumar

He discussed the relevance of socialism in today’s society, arguing that capitalism has created problems, which will cause crisis beyond redemption.

Session 16 Understanding the ‘isms’ – 2

A late-night session with a strong panel including Bhanwar Meghwanshi, Prof Anand Kumar, Prof Hanumantha, Sandeep Pandey, with each RP given five minutes to articulate what in their minds were the uniting and dividing points in the various ‘isms’ that were discussed in the camp in the last four days- Marxism, Socialism, Ambedkarite and Gandhian thought.

Session 17 (optional) Presnting a critique of Socialism and Socialist Icons

Screening of Qurban Ali’s interview by Prabir Purkayastha. This provided a critical look at the Socialist movement and its stalwarts like JP and Lohia among others.

Session 18 Media in India

Resource Persons – Bhanwar Meghwanshi and Anand Vardhan Singh

An elaborate discussion of the state of the media in India, in context of senior journalist Anand Vardhan Singh’s personal journey, and ultimately choosing social media as a platform.

Session 19 Socialism of the future

Resource Person – Randhir Gautam

He looked at the role of ideology, technology, and the impact of technology on human rights, in the present context.

After hearing that Sri Muchkund Dubey had left this world, we ended the day by remembering his contributions to the quest for a Common School System in India.

DAY 5 – 28th June 2024

Session 20 Feedback

All participants shared their understanding of socialism and provided feedback for future socialist activities, transforming the barren tree into a flourishing one, resembling our camp.

Session 21 Future of Socialism – There is an alternative!

The last session led by Prof Anand Kumar, and including among other speakers Prof Priya Ranjan, talked about the future of socialism and we ended with the positive note that “vikalphin nahi hai duniya”, we are not without alternatives.

For any clarification, comments or feedback please write to Socialist Party India socialistpartyindia@gmail.com or Whatsapp at 9771950248.

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