The Eco-Socialist Front is a suborganisation of the Socialist Party (India). It has been formed with the objective of organising and advocating for environmental preservation in India.
Lockdown Effect: Manual Scavengers Turn to Selling Human Bones Simply to Survive
Even now, nearly a year after the worst effects of the pandemic were seen, hundreds of sanitation workers and manual scavengers are permanently employed in digging up human remains for …Two Letters by Political Ecologist AK Roy Drawing Attention to the Environmentally Destructive Vishnugarh Pipalkoti Hydro-Electric Project
Letters to the World Bank and the VPHEP Inspection Panel on the dangers of continuing with the project.हिंदुत्व के राज में गंगा के लिए 5 साधुओं की मौत | Under Hindutva Rule, 5 Saints Dead Due To Their Efforts To Save the Ganga
Several Sadhus from Matri Sadan Ashram in Haridwar have sat on hunger strikes to save the Ganga from environmental degradation. Since 2014, two Sadhus have died because of hunger strikes, …Why Are Sadhus On A Fast to Save The Ganga?
Discussion on the protest movement by the seers of Matri Sadan to save the Ganga river from environmental destruction.Dr Lubna Sarwath’s Multifaceted Approach to Tackle Pollution and Conservation of Urban Water Bodies
Rahul Reddy Bikka | “She believes in empowering locals on the waterbodies with requisite knowledge on how to tackle bureaucracy and ways to litigate the issues.”What is the Best Way of Disposing Off a Dead Body?
Abhay Jain and Sandeep Pandey | As Covid consumes human life in a very conspicuous way we are confronted with additional problem of disposing off human corpses.Moosi Nadi and Moosi Nadi Banks and All of Us Will Miss Ashfaq Bhai Terribly
When we visit Moosi Nadi and its banks this time we will not find Ashfaq bhai and we cannot call him. This morning he passed away.Telangana’s Women-Led Organic Farming Gives Hope for Sustainable Agriculture and Development
SATYAGRAHA | Deccan Development Society (DDS) is a three and half decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women's Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) …Dams, Rivers and Climate Change | Satyagraha Discussion on Earth Day
SATYAGRAHA | Speakers: Brahmachari Atmabodhanand, Matri Sadan, Haridwar; Nupur Risbood, South Asian People's Action on Climate Crisis, MumbaiFood Justice From Seed to Plate is Vital for Sustainable Development: Odisha’s Farmers’ Leader
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS' MOVEMENT SERIES | National Convener of Navnirman Krushak Sangathan, and farmers' leader from Odisha, Akshay Kumar, is in conversation with Dr Amit Singh, professor Indian Institute of Technology …Ganga Andolan | Swami Shivanand Saraswati with Tapas Das
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 36 | We talk to Swami Shivanand Saraswati, who is sitting on fast after Brahmchari Atmabodhanand was taken away by police from Matri Sadan, Haridwar on the 20th …Meeting at Matri Sadan, Haridwar, 3 April, 2021, Saturday in Support of Saints Fasting for Ganga
The head of Matri Sadan, Haridwar Swami Shivanand Saraswati is currently on fast against illegal mining and big dams on Ganga in the Himalayas.Report on Round Table on ‘Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad’: Brain-storming for submission to Green Tribunal Chennai
A roundtable brain-storming session was help on 2 March 2021 at the Boat Club, Hyderabad on 'Survival of Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad' in light of the orders from NGT, Chennai.Environment and Agriculture: Listen to Voices from Punjab and Haryana
SATYAGRAHA FARMERS' MOVEMENT SERIES | We try to analyze the Farmers’ struggles from an environmental point of view. Will the farmers’ demand have any impact on the environment?How Farmers’ Laws are Undermining Sustainability and Equity
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 27 | Many have uncritically considered GDP growth as a measure of progress. Under the neo-liberal regime, governments have single-mindedly pursued GDP growth, paying scarce attention to inequity.Discussion with Paul Sein Twa, Goldman Environmental Prize 2020 Awardee & Development Leaders From South Asia
Paul Sein Twa has led an inspiring struggle to preserve both the environment and the Karen indigenous peoples in Myanmar.Dialogue on the Importance of Peace Between India and Pakistan for Environmental Conservation
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 24 | Perhaps endeavors towards environmental conservation are the best shot we have to establish peace between our two estranged states.Discussion on India’s Manual Scavenging Problem
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 21 | In today's session we will try to understand the social, political and health abuse people performing the work of manual scavenging face on daily basis.Hyderabad Floods: Understanding the Root Cause
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 19 | The recent floods in Hyderabad led to the loss of 81 lives and Rs 9000 crores of infrastructural damage. The more one delves into the details, …A Discussion on the Importance of Minimalism and Environmental Conservation
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 15 | If we wish to limit rising temperature to 1.5C by 2050, we immediately need an economic model that promotes the principles of conservation instead of exploitation. …Climate Crisis and Agriculture: Presentation Given By Dr Shreekumar As Part of SATYAGRAHA Weekly Dialogues
The average temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1.1◦C since the Industrial Revolution and rising faster than ever. According to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), a …Climate Crisis and Agriculture | Address: Dr. Shree Kumar (Co-Founder- Sangatya Commune)
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 9 | The objective of this session is to identify the impact of rising temperature on the Indian agriculture system and our food security. We will also try …Discussion on Bihar Floods and Wardha Deforestation
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 7 | Bihar has been grappling with floods since time immemorial. But in the past few years the intensity and impact of these floods has increased tremendously, affecting …LIVE Discussion with Saints of Matri Sadan, Haridwar on “Saving Ganga” | The Public LIVE
Anand Vardhan Singh holds a live session with Swami Shivanand Saraswati and other Saints of Matri Sadan Haridwar on the cleanliness of River Ganga.Letter to MoEFCC: Suggestions on the Draft EIA Notification 2020
After going through the entire draft, we could assertively say that in the present form it will bring about cataclysmic harm to the ecology and people of India defeating the …Discussion on Draft Environment Impact Assessment Notification
SATYAGRAHA EPISODE 2 | Presentation by Mr. Sagar Dhara (former UNEP consultant, author Supreme Court committee reports, Env. Engineer). Follow up discussion by Dr. Lubna Sarwath, PhD, iWIL-IIMB; Dr. Peehu …Petition: SP(I) Demands that the Recommendations of the Chairman of the High Powered Committee on the Chardham Project be Implemented Immediately
Such a large-scale project should have required a comprehensive and rigorous environmental impact assessment (EIA), including public consultations and hearings, before being given the green light. However, the government surreptitiously …Small Steps for Climate Change Amidst the Short-Sighted Ways of Bolsonaro, Trump and Modi
Ankit Goyal | Small steps are essential to raising a particular “consciousness” in individuals. When Mahatma Gandhi organized the Dandi March and made salt, it was just not to oppose …Disregarding Ravi Chopra’s Recommendations on the Chardham Project Will Destroy the Already Fragile and Threatened Ecology of the Himalayan Region
Surabhi Agarwal, Lubna Sarwath and Sandeep Pandey | The manner in which members of the High Powered Committee who have their own vested interests are misusing their power to further …Launch of “Towards the Better World Campaign” by Medha Patkar and Dr Lubna Sarwath
This is the LIVE Launch of "Towards the Better World Campaign" An initiative by Medha Patkar and Dr. Lubna Sarwath, Dr. Sandeep Pandey and The Public.
Logo Design: Aashee Ali
To stay updated on the activities of the eco-socialist front and to interact with other members please join our Whatsapp group: The Harbingers

Image Credit: Dawn Hudson; License:
Towards a Better World is a youth-led campaign that encourages all people to make a personal committment to take a small but significant step for environmental and social justice.

SP(I) supports the campaign led by the ascetics of Matri Sadan, an ashram in Haridwar, to save the Ganga river from indiscriminate and unsustainable development activity.