यह जानकारी हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Free COVID -19 Tele Consultation
People’s Health Helpline has been launched for free tele-medical consultation from Doctors in India and USA.
The helpline is supported by Asha Parivar, Mohammad Talha Clinic, Badlav, & Socialist Party (India).
This service is not for emergencies. Advise will be given by our volunteer physicians with limited history and without examination. Please consult your physician for full medical consultation.
How does it work?
Step 1: Patient Registration – Fill up the Covid Registration Form. http://bit.ly/Patient_Reg
Or call on our helpline nos: 022-45811235 (IVRS), 6394945890 (Ravindra Kumar), 9580604166 (Kiran Jaiswar), 7071822028 (Neelam Vaish), 7985181117 (KM Bhai), 8707449208 (Anil Mishra)
Step 2: Appointment Confirmation – Our Volunteer will call you in next 24 hrs to confirm your appointment time.
Step 3: Call with Doctor – At the appointment schedule your call will be connected with the doctor over whatsapp. After the call you will receive the prescription over whatsapp.

Free appointment-based tele-medical consultation for anyone based in India
Help with medicines and oxygen in Lucknow and Kanpur as possible
Help with ambulance in Lucknow as possible
Call the helpline phone numbers:
(patients should call with their oxygen levels and temperature if possible)
9453271935 (Salman Raini),
6394945890 (Ravindra Kumar),
9580604166 (Kiran Jaiswar),
7071822028 (Neelam Vaish),
7985181117 (Krishna Murari Yadav)
Email: covidhelplko@gmail.com
contact us online: www.bit.ly/covidhelplko
In wake of public health emergency posed by Covid pandemic and intensifying humanitarian crises, Mohammad Talha Foundation, Badlaav, Asha Parivar and Socialist Party (India) have come together to launch People’s Covid Helpline which will provide free tele-medical consultation with prior appointments daily with noted medical experts from India and abroad, as well as, it will help provide medicines, oxygen, and other assistance as needed and as possible.
Several noted medical specialists are volunteering their time daily, including:
Dr Sheetal Gujral (Gynaecologist, Mumbai);
Dr Jamshed Khan (Radiologist, Lucknow);
Dr Sitwat Khan (Gynaecologist, Lucknow);
Dr Tahir Zaidi (Ophthalmologist, Lucknow);
Dr Ramen Goel (Surgeon, Mumbai);
Dr Farah Khan (Physician, Louisiana USA);
Dr Reshma Ali (Physician, California, USA); among others.
For any further information, please contact:
Mahesh 98385-46900
Socialist Party (India), old Sabzi Mandi, near Guframab Imambara, opposite Mukhtar Halwai, Chowk, Lucknow | Contact: Baboo Mohammad Atiq, 9453142786, 9335911035, 6392523295 | email: covidhelplko@gmail.com
Important Informational Resources
किसी भी गरीब मरीज को कोरोना के उपचार के लिये होम आइसोलेशन के दौरान इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली दवाएँ चाहिए तो वो SIPS Hospital, के गेट नं 2 से अपनी जॉच रिपोर्ट/पहचान पत्र दिखा कर पूर्णतः नि:शुल्क ले सकता है।
List of Medical-Use Oxygen Suppliers in Lucknow
UP Helpline Numbers for COVID-19 Relief
Details of Nodal Officers Responsible for Safe Passage of Migrant Workers into UP
List of Stranded Migrant Workers from UP
Domestic Violence Resource Page
Policy Brief by NCDS, Bhuvaneshwar, on Returning Migrant Workers