IIT, कानपुर से उजाड़े गए धोबी परिवारों के साथ एकजुटता हेतु, सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) का IIT मुख्य गेट पर एक दिवसीय अनशन

IIT, कानपुर से उजाड़े गए धोबी परिवारों के साथ एकजुटता हेतु, सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) का IIT मुख्य गेट पर एक दिवसीय अनशन

भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान से उजाड़े गए धोबी परिवारों के साथ एकजुटता हेतु आज 25 मार्च, 2025, मंगलवार को मुख्य गेट , IIT कानपुर, कल्याणपुर में आज एक दिवसीय अनशन/धरना किया गया। धरने में वरिष्ठ समाजसेवी और सोशलिस्ट पार्टी (इंडिया) के महासचिव संदीप पांडे, विजया दीदी, मोना सूर, मीनू सूर, विजय चावला, सुरेश यादव, प्रताप साहनी, […]

SP(I) Launches Micro-Credit and Food Security Program

SP(I) Launches Micro-Credit and Food Security Program

Most community members are facing severe difficulties in restarting their businesses after the lockdown due to the unavailability of capital. Towards this effect, the party has decided to launch a ‘Micro-credit Program’ that offers interest-free and collateral-free loans to various community members and a ‘Food Security Program’, through which it will offer langar type services on a daily basis in a few districts across Uttar Pradesh.

20 Dholak Maker Families To Be Given Loans, 26 June, 5:30 PM, Socialist Party (India) District Office, Chowk

20 Dholak Maker Families To Be Given Loans, 26 June, 5:30 PM, Socialist Party (India) District Office, Chowk

Dr. Nuzhat Husain will be handing out interest free loans of Rs. 5,000 each to 20 families of Dholak makers from Dubbaga at Socialist Party (India) Office, Kalbe Abid Road, near Old Tarkari Mandi, opposite Mukhtare Halwai, Chowk on 26 June, 2020, Friday at 5:30 pm. Ajay Kumar Lallu, UP President of Congress Party is also likely to join.

Socialist Mazdoor Sabha, Lucknow formed on 26/10/14

Socialist Mazdoor Sabha, Lucknow formed on 26/10/14

Socialist Mazdoor Sabha, Lucknow formed on 26/10/14 at A-893, Indira Nagar, Lucknow Working Committee 1. Munnalal (Stone cutter, SC), President 2. Dhanpati (Labourer), Vice President 3. Zeenat (Labourer), Vice President 4. Ziauddin (Labourer), Secretary 5. Babu Pandit (Fruit vendor), Treasurer 6. Asha Valmiki (Sweeper, SC) 7. Khwahish Warsi (Dholak maker) 8. Ashok (Stone cutter, SC) […]